Week 45

This week we found out that our current system is suboptimal, so we are making some mayor changes.

Table of contents:
1. compression spring vs tension springs(Daniel)

1. Tension V.S compression springs

Now that I have done some testing and prototyping, I have found that compression springs are not at all suited for our project. The force that I have managed to drive through the current system in equivalent to zero. The springs tend to buckle, even though they all have their own supporting barrel and mount.
The rigidity of the springs are not enough to keep them in line with the desired direction of force, and we end up shooting the ejection plate into the walls of the barrel and loosing force.
I and therefore taking an executive decision to redesign the propulsion-system of the cannon using tension springs instead.

A visual representation of spring buckling

I have been and will also in the coming week working on a new prototype for the barrel. This time with the superior tension springs. For now I am working on a model which allows us to use the same pulley system, though I am prepared to have to discard that idea as well.
As a feature/consequence of using tensionspring, the barrel may end up being non circular. I have not decided if this is a negative thing or not, because for all I know it might look way cooler with a non-regular barrel shape. The posting on the first few prototypes and ideas will be posted on next weeks post.

In the memory of the compression spring cannon I present you with some satire memorabilia

memory 1: A flawless design, never to be repeated.
A symmetry so divine, it was thought to be printed by the gods themselves

The compression cannon will be regarded with reverence as a perfectly flawed concept.

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