Tag: Automatic Watering System for Plants

  • Week 16 (07.12 – 13.12): Automatic watering system for plants

    Final Prototype: System Showcase: This is the final presentation video of our system with all its functionality. We did a recording before adding the cover, and after we mounted the cover the system wouldn’t work properly, unfortunately. Therefore, the final video presentation of the system will be without the cover attached. We feel that the […]

  • Week 15 (30.11-06.12): Automatic watering system for plants

    Software (Marius): Last night (Monday 30.11) I received the new design on the case for our system from Shadi. Since my 3D-printer is 150x150x150 mm, the case parts had to be divided into eight different parts to be able to print them. I started printing the first part of the case this morning (01.12). All […]

  • Week 13-14 (16.11 – 29.11): Automatic watering system for plants

    Mechanical (Shadi and Per-Terje): Week 13 : We assembled all the parts together and we discussed the ability to find a solution to print the surrounding case for the system, and we decided to divide the case into 8 parts to fit Marius printer workspace. week 14 : We started designing the new surrounding case […]

  • Week 12 (09.11 – 15.11): Automatic watering system for plants

    Software (Marius): This week I have been working on some power savings features for our system. It seems to be several ways of doing this, and how much power can be reduced by using these methods seems questionable. Some of the methods I’ve looked into are: Using low-power libraries (Most of the libraries I’ve come […]

  • Week 11 (02.11 – 08.11): Automatic watering system for plants

    Mechanical (Shadi and Per-Terje): This week we finished our upgrade iteration for the small parts like Wheels, wheel spacer, ultrasonic mount and motor mounts and sent them to Marius for printing as our replacment parts to fix our 3d printer has not arrived yet. On the other hand, we did the last changes to the […]

  • Week 10 (26.10 – 01.11): Automatic watering system for plants

    Software (Marius): I have had some health issues this week so i havn’t been able to work as much with the project as i’d initially hoped. Watering multiple plants functionality: First i added some more functionality to the system where i use an array to make the system able to water several plants. As of […]

  • Week 9 (19.10-25.10): Automatic watering system for plants

    Software (Marius): During this week i have been working on fixing a few bugs in the code, adding more functionality and cleaning up the code a bit. Crane (Servo Motor): I first started with the crane which we want to be moved approximately 80-90 degrees. I first used a for-loop to be able to move […]

  • Week 8 (12.10-18.10): Automatic watering system for plants

    Mechanical (Shadi and Per-Terje): This week we have worked on the re-design of the battery pack and servo bracket, integrated the smaller parts into the water tank lid cower. We come back to the old design of the water tank to get some more space to further design on. Also, we have started to think […]

  • Week 6-7 (28.09 – 11.10): Automatic watering system for plants

    Software (Marius): Since there was a lot of work (assignments and deadlines) to do in my two other courses, i had to prioritize this during week 6. Therefore, i didn’t have to much time to work on the project in this course. In week 7 i started working on a state machine diagram to be […]

  • Week 5 (21.09-27.09): Automatic watering system for plants

    Mechanical (Shadi and Per-Terje): During this week we have been working on the design of the castor wheels brackets, the components bracket (which will be a stand for the arduino board, battery etc.) and the crane. The 3d-print of the parts was done on wednesday which meant we could attach some of the parts on […]