Week 16 (07.12 – 13.12): Automatic watering system for plants

Final Prototype:

Figure 01: The final prototype design of our system.

System Showcase:

This is the final presentation video of our system with all its functionality. We did a recording before adding the cover, and after we mounted the cover the system wouldn’t work properly, unfortunately. Therefore, the final video presentation of the system will be without the cover attached. We feel that the video represents the functionality we want to show (gear motor functionality, vehicle navigation, vehicle turning, crane operation, soil moisture checker, water pump functionality, system stop/power-saving mode when returning to initial position).

After we did this recording we had two critical problems:

  • The line follower sensors not working correctly (the diodes on both sensors seem to be loose and is soon to fall of).
  • The wheels are now very loose and tighten them doesn’t seem to help.

I’m not sure if we are able to present the system live in action during the final presentation next week, but hopefully, we will manage something. In case we won’t achieve this, we will be presenting the video instead.

NB: I only received an error when trying to upload the video, so I had to use an external site to stream the video. Some whitespace at the top and the bottom of the video is added when embedding the video for some reason. Tried to remove this but doesn’t seem to be possible.

Figure 02: Video presentation of our system with all its functionality.

Mechanical (Shadi and Per-Terje):

We assembled the new surrounding case by screwing the eight plates together. The caseing needs more improvement like some of the scrwes were dificult to reach, and a slot for the water inlet connection in the front is needed, so that the cower can easily slide around when being added or removed. and an opening for the ultrasonic sensor must be added. But we decided at it is acceptable for this stage.

Figure 03: System cover assembly.

Software (Marius):

The final week we are using to assemble the last parts and the cover for the system. While the mechanical engineers are working on the assembly, I’ve been working on reconstructing the code and adding more comments to the code to make it more readable.

After doing some testing on the system, I wish that we used two more line follower sensors on each side of the vehicle, which would have made the turning a lot easier. By attaching one line follower sensor on each side of the vehicle, it would have detected double black lines when turning 90 degrees and I could have made it stop according to that. Due to the lack of remaining time before we are finished with the project, I have to skip this as we have to order some more sensors to make this possible, and I’m not sure if these sensors will arrive within a reasonable time to attach them to the system, make changes to the code and test it.

Initially, the plan was to make the watering procedure into a function or method to be able to reuse the code, but somehow the system did not function as intended when I tried to do this. Therefore, I had to skip this as I don’t want to make too many changes to the code now as there are only a few days left before the deadline. We still have to create a recording of the system in operation with all the functionality which have to prioritized during the next few days.

All the code I’ve been working on since the start of the project is uploaded to GitHub. This can be seen at the link that follows:


Final System Code (10.12.2020)

// 1. Restructuring the code
// 2. Adding more comments on the code

/* Libraries used */
#include "LowPower.h"

/* VARIABLE | Power saving feature */
int powerSavingHours = 12;
int sleepMax = 450 * powerSavingHours;

/* VARIABLE | Servo motor object  */
Servo servoCraneOperation;

/* INPUT | Water pump*/
int waterPump = 28;

/* VARIABLE | Checks if the pump is currently activated */
bool pumpActivated = true;

/* VARIABLE | Checks if the plant have been waterered recently */
bool plantHasBeenWatered[2] = {false, false};

/* VARIABLE | Checks if the plant is currently being watered */
bool plantIsBeingWatered;

/* INPUT | Soil moisture sensor */
#define sensorPin A2

/* VARIABLE | Soil moisture sensor readings */
float soilSensorValue = 0;

/* INPUT | Ultrasonic sensor */
const int triggerPin = 24;
const int echoPin = 26;

/* VARIABLE | Ultrasonic sensor */
long duration;
int distance;

/* INPUT | Left motor */
int LM = 2;
int LM_IN1 = 3;
int LM_IN2 = 4;

/* INPUT | Right motor */
int RM = 7;
int RM_IN3 = 5;
int RM_IN4 = 6;

/* VARIABLE | Gear motor speed - 100 seems fine during testing */
int maxSpeed = 150;

/* VARIABLE | Readings from the line follower sensors (LS = Left | RS = Right) */
int LS_PIN = A0;
int RS_PIN = A1;

/* VARIABLE | How many times double black lines have accured */
int blackLineCounter;

void setup() 
  /* INITIALIZING | Attaching servo object to pin 9  */

  /* INITIALIZING | Water pump output - Initially setting it to HIGH */
  pinMode(waterPump, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(waterPump, HIGH);
  /* INITIALIZING | Ultrasonic sensor */
  pinMode(triggerPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

  /* INITIALIZING | Gear motor */
  pinMode(LM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LM_IN1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LM_IN2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RM_IN3, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RM_IN4, OUTPUT);
  /* INITIALIZING | Gear motors set to low */
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

  /* INITIALIZING | Black line counter */
  blackLineCounter = 0;


void loop() 
  /*  */
  /* LINE FOLLOWING SENSORS | Being updated continously */

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Clearing triggerpin */
  digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Resetting the triggerpin */
  digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Returning sound wave travel time in micro seconds */
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Distance calculations to get it into centimeters */
  distance = duration*0.034/2;

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Printing the distance (for testing purposes) */
  Serial.print("Distance: ");

  if ((distance <= 20) && (!plantHasBeenWatered[0]))
    /* DELAY | Adding a small delay before stopping the vehicle */

    /* VARIABLE | Changing to true to be able to enter the while-loop */
    plantIsBeingWatered = true;

    /* LOOP | Should run as long as the plant is being watered */
    while (plantIsBeingWatered)
      /* VEHICLE FUNCTIONS | Stopping the vehicle */

      /* VARIABLE | Clearing the triggerpin */
      digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

      /* VEHICLE FUNCTIONS | Turning vehicle by approximately 90 degrees */

      /* VEHICLE FUNCTIONS | Stopping the vehicle */

      /* DELAY | Adding a small delay before the servo motor is starting */
      /* SERVO MOTOR | Rotate the crane down to the flowerpot */ 

      /* LOOP | The soil moisture sensor should perform 10 readings */
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        /* SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR | Getting readings from the soil */

        /* WATER PUMP PROCEDURE | Should only be activated if the soil is dry */
        if ((soilSensorValue < 800) && (plantIsBeingWatered))
          /* VARIABLE | Changing it to false to exit the while-loop */
          plantIsBeingWatered = false;
      /* VARIABLE | Changing it to false to exit the while-loop */
      plantIsBeingWatered = false;

      /* SERVO MOTOR | Rotate the crane up from the flowerpot */

      /* DELAY | Adding a small delay before the crane is rotated up again  */

      /* SERVO MOTOR | Rotate the crane up from the flowerpot */

      /* DELAY | Small delay before turning the vehicle */

      /* VEHICLE FUNCTIONS | Turning the vehicle back 90 degrees */

      /* VEHICLE FUNCTIONS | Stopping the vehicle before continuing using the line follower sensors */

      /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Resetting the ultrasonic sensor pins */
      digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);

      /* VARIABLE | Set the variable to true to exit the watering procedure */
      plantHasBeenWatered[0] = true;
  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should stop */
  if(!(digitalRead(LS_PIN)) && !(digitalRead(RS_PIN)))

  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should turn to the right */
  if(!digitalRead(LS_PIN) && digitalRead(RS_PIN))

  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should turn to the left */
  if(digitalRead(LS_PIN) && (!digitalRead(RS_PIN)))

  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should stop because of identifying double black lines */
  if(digitalRead(LS_PIN) && digitalRead(RS_PIN))

/* ULTRASONIC SENSOR FUNCTION | Printing the distance in centimeters */
void PrintUltrasonicDistance()
  Serial.print("Distance: ");

/* LINE FOLLOWER SENSOR FUNCTION | Reading the input from the pins */
void LineFollowerUpdate()
  LS_STATE = digitalRead(LS_PIN);
  RS_STATE = digitalRead(RS_PIN);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Stopping the vehicle due to an obsticle */
void StopVehicleObsticle()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Stopping the vehicle due to double black lines */
void StopVehicleBlackLines(int maxSpeed)
  /* VARIABLE | Increasing the counter by one */
  /* VEHICLE FUNCTION | Stopping the vehicle */

  /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Clearing the sensor pins */
  digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should go turn 180 degrees and continue the watering procedure */
  if (blackLineCounter < 2)
    /* VEHICLE FUNCTION | The vehicle should turn right by 180 degrees */
    /* DELAY | Using a delay to turn the vehicle as we don't have sensors to do it */
    /* ULTRASONIC SENSOR | Resetting the triggerpin */
    digitalWrite(triggerPin, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(triggerPin, LOW);
    /* VEHICLE FUNCTION | Stopping the vehicle for 0.5 seconds after it is done turning */

    /* VEHICLE FUNCTION | Vehicle should move forwards and continuing following the line follower sensors */
  /* STATEMENT | The vehicle should stop completely and go into power savings mode */
    /* POWER SAVINGS MODE | The system will go into idle mode to reduce power usage */
    for (int i = 0; i < sleepMax; i++)
    /* VARIABLE | Resetting the counter after power savings mode is completed */
    blackLineCounter = 0;

    /* VEHICLE FUNCTION | Vehicle should turn 180 degrees and continuing the watering operations */
    /* DELAY | Using a delay to turn the vehicle */

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Vehicle is going forward */
void MoveVehicleForward(int maxSpeed)
  analogWrite(LM, maxSpeed);
  analogWrite(RM, maxSpeed);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Vehicle should turn left */
void TurnVehicleLeft()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Vehicle should turn left by making the left gear motor go in reverse */
void TurnVehicleLeftReverse()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Vehicle should turn right */
void TurnVehicleRight()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | Vehicle should turn right by making the right gear motor go in reverse */
void TurnVehicleRightReverse()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, HIGH);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | One wheels should go forward and the other one should go backwards to turn right */
void RotateVehicleRightDegrees()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, LOW);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, LOW);

/* GEAR MOTOR FUNCTION | One wheels should go forward and the other one should go backwards to turn left */
void RotateVehicleLeftDegrees()
  digitalWrite(LM_IN1, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(LM_IN2, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN3, LOW);
  digitalWrite(RM_IN4, HIGH);

/* POWER SAVING FUNCTION | The Arduino is put to sleep for 8 seconds */
void PowerSavingsMode()
  LowPower.powerDown(SLEEP_8S, ADC_OFF, BOD_OFF);

/* SOIL MOISTURE SENSOR FUNCTION | Readings from the soil moisture sensor */
void SoilMoistureSensorReadings()
  for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++)
    soilSensorValue = soilSensorValue + analogRead(sensorPin);
  soilSensorValue = soilSensorValue / 100.0;

/* SERVO MOTOR | Rotating the crane down */
void ServoMotorRotateDown()
  servoCraneOperation.writeMicroseconds (700);

/* SERVO MOTOR | Rotating the crane up */
void ServoMotorRotateUp()
  servoCraneOperation.writeMicroseconds (1400);

/* WATER PUMP FUNCTION | Activating the water pump for a few seconds */
void WaterPumpActivation()
  digitalWrite(waterPump, LOW);
  digitalWrite(waterPump, HIGH);

Figure 04: Final source code for the system and is the same code that has been used in the video presentation.

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