Month: October 2019

  • Group 6 Week 41

    As previously mentioned we wanted to make the spur gear ourselves. We can do this by laser cutting either wood or plexiglass based off a model in Solidworks. Making sure two gears mesh (interact) correctly can however be tricky as there is a lot of new terminology to understand.  Below you can see the pinion […]

  • Autodrink, week 41

    This week we worked further with the construction of the machine. We 3d printed come test corners which we had improved from last week, and they seemed to be well functioning, so we ordered several corners for printing next week and will be finished before next group meeting. . We have also worked with the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 6

    Mechanical  This week we have finally got some of the parts that we ordered earlier, so now we can control all the measurements and make a more detailed model in solid works and make test parts and find all the parameters that make them fit with each other. The following parts have arrived this week:  […]

  • Project Fetch (03.10-10.10) Week 7

      This week we have looked into how to integrate ROS with the raspberry pi and all the other components of our system. We started setting up a virtual machine with ubuntu and ROS installed. Then we use catkin python tools to build the workspace and create our own package with some simple dependencies. When […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 6

    Date: 26.09.2019 – 03.10.2019 We have mostly been working with hardware this week and we got ahold of some necessary components for the drone. We have been testing some of the parts to make sure that they work properly, as we have been playing around with the firmware to test all the capabilities it offers. […]

  • Shallow Blue week 40

    This week our group has started using the Github side that we created last week. The computer students has continued the work on tracking and recognizing the pieces and creating a chess game in unity that can later be used as an interface between the camera and the motion. During this week we have also […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 5

    Date: 19.09.2019 – 26.09.2019 We have done a lot of technical research this week to learn more about machine learning and specifically working with large datasets to achieve autonomy. We are working with the TensorFlow library and currently setting this up to cooperate as a ROS node. TensorFlow is a huge Python-friendly open source library […]

  • Group 7 – Week 6

    Week 6 Mechanical  This week started with 3D printing and testing a component in the suspension. This was required as we have to make sure the springs we have fit the design. After testing, we see that we have to adjust some dimensions as the model was slightly too large for the springs. After readjusting […]

  • Haptix week 39 and 40

    We decided to post both week 39 and 40 because of the server issues in week 39. Daniel: Week 40: Last week I completed a scene that can be used as an environment for the interaction we will have to implement. This week I made a simple UI menu for the Unity Application: The […]

  • Group 6 Week 40 (Høstferie)

    This week we’ve been working on a function to tilt the gun. Our primary focus was elevating the barrel but we also tried to keep in mind how to easily expand on our design in order to allow the gun to rotate horizontally. After a session of brainstorming we concluded that a motor with a […]