Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 11 1.11 – 11.11

    We have finally gotten our camera, which makes us able to proceed with the camera ROS programming and making the frame for camera. The site where we bought the camera did not have specifications for how far it was between the screws on the camera and neither the size of the lens, this meant that […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 10

    Date: 24.10.2019 – 31.10.2019 Our seemingly constant barrage of technical issues continued this week, as attempts to install a driver for our USB WiFi adapter on the Jetson Nano failed. While there are drivers available for the particular chipset we had in hand, they didn’t work on the Jetson Nano. The particular driver we found […]

  • Group 7 – Week 11

    Week 11 Mechanical: Adithya:  This week we finished the main body and attached the sub systems to it. The final design is looking more or less finished. This week I will be working on adding holes for screws, sensors and wheels so that we can begin laser cutting some final parts for the tank. The […]

  • Haptix Week 45

    Petter:  I’ve been working on the input system of the cube, first debating it’s simplicity, intuitivity and scale, and from then I’ve chosen to make the input based on a single press and it’s angle compared to the side and block it touches, it will from then send the relevant data which will decide which way to make the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 10

    Mechanical  This week has gone to further assemble the air hockey system, and we now have all the components except the timed band, which will arrive either this Friday or Monday. There has been a lot of complications with shipping, but we are fairly certain it will arrive at this time since we have had direct communications with the […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 44

    Sondre: Started having a look at communication between Arduino and Unity, in order to have the computer output the coordinates on the chessboard in Unity to the physical board. Osmar: I worked in the movement protocol for the arduino to control both motors, and the interactions with the Manager, and for the motor manager itself […]

  • AutoDrink, week 44

    We are in need of more sensores, both lidar and ultrasonic sensors. Two of the ultrasonic sensors we had were broken, and then we had to reorder our resources. Hopefully we will get some new ones next week. But for now the 3D scanning of volume and the positioning system of the trolley is on […]

  • Project Fetch Group 1 – Week 10 25.10 – 31.10

    This week, we have spent most of our time learning and struggling with CMake. CMake is a tool for managing the build process of software (mainly in C and C++, but later versions support other languages such as C# for example), with the primary benefit being that it produces buildfiles for multiple buildsystems so the […]

  • Group 7 – Week 10

    Week 10 Mechanical: Jonas Decided against using cog-wheels for the upwards and downwards movement of the cannon. There’s no reason to over complicate it when i could just attach the stepper motor itself to the cannon by mounting it sideways. Acquired a basic laser pointer which will act as the indicator for where the “shots” […]

  • Haptix week 43 and 44

    Petter  Created some custom cube designs and discussed implementation of how our Rubix cube reacts to virtual touch.  Daniel  I had to rework most of what I did for the previous weeks. Rather than using Leap Motion’s properties and methods, I created my own fingertips using a custom script and sphere 3D objects.  The image above illustrates the current state of the Unity application. When there’s an impact on any of the fingertips, a function in a script called Arduino.cs will be called.   Which will then send a signal to the actual Arduino. Where the Arduino will use to get the signal. That way it can handle the slaves and vibrating motors.  A little side note, the fingertip script seen here aren’t necessarily fully complete. I am currently working on bi-directional communication between the Arduino and Unity application.   The image above illustrates the full hierarchy of a hand, in this case the left hand. Once any or more of the turquoise touches something, a vibrating motor for the respective hand and finger should start. The green cube seen in the image is just a placeholder for the interaction Petter is working on.  William  I am now done with the User Interface for our application (there will be small changes/adjustments). The UI is of course made in Unity, and I have added some implementations and functionalities using C# as you can see in the GIF.     Short link:  Link:  HTML5 […]