Category: Uncategorized

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 39 – Week 47 – Machanical Parts

    The frame as it was shown, is printed with the Ultimaker at school (Figure 1). Figure 1 First prototype 3D printed frame   The outer dimensions of the frame were almost good. The following dimensions are changed (Figure 2): The arm supports were both too tight, so these are made wider The frame was too […]

  • Group 6 Stepper or servo? Thats the question!

    Hello world! today we had short meeting in the morning where we discussed how long until we could start putting pieces together. We found out that by next week we should be able to start putting the steering mechanism together. Computer had implemented a stepper motor for turning the car. We are not sure if […]

  • 31.10.2017

    Idag har gruppen sittet sammen og jobbet i dronesonen. Endelig mottok vi de delene vi hadde bestilt, og kunne begynne å bruke riktig utstyr i utviklingen av prosjektet. Pakken besto av propeller, motorer og elektronisk fartskontrollere (ESC). Vi startet med lodding slik at en motor fikk strømmen og informasjonen den trengte. Deretter brukte vi mye […]

  • Group 6 Lidar progress and CAD modeling

    Hello world! as usuall its been a long time since posting and i will now ramble about our progress and future with this project. Mechanical has pretty much continued on working on cad models and producing parts for the car. we are hoping to start assembling the car soon. Alot of exiting things has happend […]

  • Smart Mirror: Software flow chart

    This figure shows the flow of the smart mirror application from boot to application main screen  

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 43

    Analyzing images to find blood vessels. Our goal is have the system automatically recognize blood vessels in images taken by our NIR camera. Preferably a big and easy to reach blood vessel, but any blood vessel large enough to be stabbed with a needle is acceptable. We have not yet reached a final solution, but […]

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 41

      Had trouble getting Raspberry pi 3 to work. On the website: Found this message: “Doesn’t work with N0390-002.A00LF though (tested with Raspbian “wheezy”) – mmc0 timeouts, waiting for hw int. I wouldn’t recommend buying this card. N0460-002.A00LF: Does not boot / io error from dmesg with os running from usb. 31488-007.A00LF Boots 2 […]

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 38

    Figure 1: We have started to draw a sketch of the frame in SolidWorks. The length of the arm is approximately 20 cm. We used this dimension for the length of the frame. Figure 1 Figure 2: According to the weight, we want to make the frame as light as possible. First, we wanted to […]

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 40

    Pi NoIR Camera V2   Obtaining access to blood vessels can be difficult. Near-infrared light might be a option since subsurface blood vessels can be visualized in high contrast due to less absorption and scattering in tissue compared to visible light. Instead of using a camera with ingaas detectors, we use a near-infrared sensitivity inexpensive […]

  • Smart Drone

    Introduksjon Vi er en gruppe på fem ivrige studenter ved Høgskolen i Sørøst Norge, Campus Kongsberg. Gruppen har en tverrfaglig kompetanse, i og med at vi har studenter fra hver ingeniør linje representert på denne skolen. Vi er tre data-, en elektro- og en maskinstudent og utgjør sammen gruppe nr 1. Maskin Markus Hjellseth Data […]