Group 6 Week 42

We have been working on our model in Solidworks, where we are trying to find smart ways to make our parts. Our main issue is producing aluminium parts since the tools at school are limited. Our solution is to make as many thin parts as possible as they weigh less and are easier to process. 

Our current model looks like this: 

The model is color coded so we can visualize our progress and to easier show to anyone reading the blog. Green parts are the ones we have already, some of them we made and some we bought. Orange parts are parts we are going to make, and black are parts we have ordered but not received.

This week we want to produce at least one part, the part below will be the first produced part. It’s fairly simple to make, but it’s crucial that the parts are as similar as possible since we will be using 2 of them.

(Model from Solidworks)

Cut parts.

The result looks promising, the parts could be more straight but we think this will work. We will have to find out if they work when mounting the different parts.

Here are a few more pictures from the workshop on friday. The picture on the left is another part which we made two of. In the middle is the laser cut gear made of plexiglass. After examination we think the teeth will be strong enough for our use. And the picture on the right side is just us having fun while marking some bore holes.

Computer part: 

This week we wore working on the system that will provide video/image through wifi. By using a ESP32 chip we’re able to connect to wifi and then output the video stream to the internett.  We struggled a bit to get it going because we didnt have the write FTDI, we intially thought a arduino mega was good enough, but apperently we needed another one, since the arduino bord had a chip on it that would make the code compile onto the arduino insted of passing it through to the ESP32

There was also further issues that we stumbled on, because the board that we’ve connected to now did not have enough power, so we needed an arduino board for the 5v connections

But we now have the camera up and going, and will be working on getting an autonation driving system working. As well we  will try and use facial recognition to see who the tank should shoot and not shoot.

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