Category: Uncategorized

  • Autonomous Car – Week 13

    Alinur  The week kicked off with a deep dive of me working on the ultrasonic sensors on the car. I set out to explore the obstacle detection where the car stops if it detects obstacle and when the obstacle is removed the car continues with it journey. The first thing I did was to initialize […]

  • Gruppe3 MicroMind Autonomous

    Filer og Rapport fra maskin gruppe 3

  • Group 4 – Week 13:

    For the final “official” week of project work we conducted the following efforts:     Discipline – Software: GitHub link: Erik-Andre Hegna: This week has been an eventful week. It feels like I’ve been to hell and back again. As we have done a lot this week, this blog post will try to cover the details […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Last Blog

    Enjoy the Hydroplant demo Documentation for all our code and links are now available here: Shahin Ostadahmadi Since it is last week, i would like to summerize what i have worked with during the semester. Development 1 GUI Responsible for an interface to control the system manually through a graphical user interface. You can control […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 13 – Final Submission

    Information: Since this is our last submission, we will publish the final contributions so far this semester. In our GitHub repository you can view our total code, and see what we have managed to do this far in our semester. GitHub repository: MicroMouse Simulator: Our MicroMouse Simulator files: Simulation video: Ilir BylykbashiSummary: […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 12

    Christopher Daffinrud This week Ole and I spent most of Monday calculating and testing to verify how many steps our stepper motors needed for the turret to both rotate and elevate to aim at the target detected by the detection model. Azimuth and pitch movement Based on the horizontal FOV of our camera, 44 degrees, […]

  • Group 4 – Week 12

    Last week we conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: As Ask and Lars elaborated well on what we did this week, I will go into detail regarding the problem we encountered with the ultra-sonic sensors. Our initial approach and ideas regarding the ultra-sonic sensors were that it could measure distances up to […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 12

    Welcome back! This week has been more testing of the system, fixing small bugs, calibrating different part of the system such as plant mover and plant information node. We have tested several part of the system. We are exited to make videoes and pictures of the whole system next week to show what we have […]

  • Autonomous car – Week 12

    Abdiqani:  This week I have tried to integrate the communication into Alinur’s car, I first had to wait until the car was driving and then I tried to implement a little snippet that would send data when the car moves forward or backward. The problem I encountered was that he used Bluetooth while I had […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 12

    A new week is upon us… ​ Deeper into the code void we go…​ ​ Jonathan ​ This week I’m finally hopeful that we will successfully complete the micromouse challenge. As of tuesday, our mouse can: Here’s a video showcasing the first two points: These are nice progressions in our project, but some things still […]