SmartSort Week 10 Rapport


As the week started we have turned to Steven for a advice on how to proceed next. What we have learned at this point that we can’t do everything at once, since there is a high risk of something not working properly, so in the end, ruining any progres we have made. After his and all the other teachers advice, we are on a right path of making things finally work our way.


Nothing much has changed in my department. I am still coding the basic movements, trying to integrate Moveit! into the programming. However, with ROS and Moveit! meant mostly to be used on Linux, their Windows solution hasn’t been too kind with my computer. So while I try to program simple movements for testing, I’m also being my own tech support to figure out why ROS isn’t working correctly, and looking into small issues with translation between the URDF file and Rviz.


We started this week with a lot of words of wisdom from Steven and other teacher that luckily set us on the right path and opened our eyes. They told us to fucs on individual parts and not on the whole assembly at once. And that’s what we did – me and Adam focused on the claw while Sergi and Pamala focus on the arm. Also last time we also forgot to print some models so we had them printed for now.


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During this week we decided to split the work between the mechanical engineers Sergi and I took care of the arms and the base and Adam and Jacob the gripper.

So Sergi and I met once we got the modified parts with the tolerances to assemble them.

During the week Jacob and Adam also got the printed gripper but they realized that the gripper was designed for another type of motor so they had to design a part that would fit the servos that would go in its place.

Below we can see the complete assembly of the entire robot without the missing part to fit the servo into the gripper:

Once we got the complete assembly, we gave it to Adrian and Farah so they could test it with the real prototype.


What I did this week as a mechanical engineer was assemble the whole robot, especially the base and arm components and once we finished (mechanical engineers team), we gave the assembled robot to the computer science team to try their code out and test how the arm moves.

During the assembly we had some screws problems, that the ones that we had were not the right ones so we had to change them to find the correct ones. Another problem that we faced was that we didnt’t had enough pieces to gather the servomotor with the robot pieces, but finally we could find them to finish the assembly.

All the photos of our progress and the final look of the robot are in Pam’s part.

At the end this was a fun week because for me it was a more entirely mechanical work to assemble pieces together with screws and servomotors.

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