Category: Uncategorized

  • 26.11.2020

    Denne uka var den ingen gruppemøte grunnet eksamen. Gruppa har derfor bestemt at det ikke har vært noe behov for møte denne uka. Det er heller ikke planlagt gruppe møte den 03.12.20, neste gruppemøte er derfor 07.12.20.

  • Tenth sprint – Puck Buddies

    Gaute This week I shifted the focus over to the 3D-printing process. We have quite a lot of parts that’s supposed to be 3D-printet so It’s nice to have a system to keep track on what’s been printed. Therefor I made a list over the parts that’s going to be printed and posted it on our Microsoft Teams channel so that both I […]

  • Holobot week 48

    Kjartan & Stian We are using Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense and it has a bluetooth module that has the GATT profile hardwired in it. To connect to the Hololens we need a HID bluetooth profile or a A2DP bluetooth profile. HID(Human Interface Device Profile) is bluetooth devices that provides support for devices such as […]

  • 19.11.20

    Fredrik og Gustav har denne dagen forsøkt å koble opp de forskjellige sensorene. Det ble først forsøkt å koble opp med Arduino Nano, men det var en del enklere med Arduino Mega, så dette ble gjort istedenfor. Ved å koble opp lys-, temperatur- og vannstandssensor ble det funnet ut at temperatursensoren tok oppimot et halvt […]

  • Holobot week 47

    Adapting to an issue (Mads) The last weeks I have been more concerned with developing the mechanical aspects of the Holobot rather than writing. Countless hours has been spent designing, printing/cutting, assembling and testing with mixed results. I wanted to create a module based track(beltemodul) which could easily be installed on different vehicles and robots. […]

  • Sprint 11

    Maskin (Simen): Continued the design of the servo compatible parts for the arm. Trying to find a way to print these parts. Also making a way to place a spring into the hand to keep the cards under pressure, while also needing to make sure only one card is ejected at a time. Elektro (Sondre): […]

  • 12.11.20

    Det ble denne dagen konkludert med at istedenfor å fortsette og forsøke å gjøre aquariet tett om igjen og om igjen på tilnærmet samme måte, og gå i Einsteins galskapsfelle, ville vi heller finne på noe helt annet. Det ble indentifisert tre alternativer, enten bestille en bunnplate i glass, bruke en ny pleksiglassplate, men bruke […]

  • Sprint 10

    Common: We have made some models to better represent our system, what we want it to do and how it should be set up. Physical models showing the main components in the subsystems that they belong in and the different levels of tasks that we want our system to accomplish. Maskin(Simen): I did not get […]

  • Eight sprint – Puck Buddies

    Project Status This week we had a meeting to agree on the design moving forward. We agreed on the final specs, which includes to limit the movement of the machine to one axis. It also became apparent that a 50% scale model would be more practical and it would still be able to show our […]

  • 05.11.20

    Fordi aquariet kontinuerlig har vært lekk ble det denne gangen konkludert å forsøke og legge silikon i hele bunnen av aquariet i et forsøk på om dette kunne lage en slags tett film. Denne dagen begynte Fredrik, Gustav og Inge å bygge bordet som aquariet skal stå på. Inge hadde ordnet med materialer. Flere av […]