Category: Uncategorized

  • SmartSort Week 2 Rapport

    Farah I was tasked with simulating a robot arm prototype using the Unity platform. The primary objective was to develop a functional and accurate simulation that could serve as a foundation for further development and testing of the physical robot arm. The Initial Research following the meeting on Monday, I began by conducting research on […]

  • SmartSort Week 1 Report

    We are SmartSort and Welcome to our Blog.    Cleaner Trash Meet the Team Names Discipline Responsibility Abdillahi Farah Software Software team leader Adrian Sabanovic Software Engineer Tormod Smidesang Software Engineer Adam Bremek Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering team leader. Jakub Cihlar Mechanical Engineering Engineer Maria Pamela Fernandez  Cardenas Mechanical Engineering Engineer Sergi Cortacans Curós Mechanical […]

  • FussBot Uke 1

    Hvem er vi og hva er vårt prosjekt? Anders Moen (Maskin) Andrea Grubbe (Maskin) Erik Nyborg-Vazquez (Data) Kristian Erik Myren (Elektro) Dag-Ove Christiansen (Elektro) Hovedidéen vår er et fotballbord hvor motspilleren er styrt autonomt og mekanisk via en mikrokontroller. Et kamera skal brukes til å identifisere ballen og spore posisjonen ved bruk av computer vision […]

  • Gruppe 3 – Introduksjon

    Gruppemedlemmer: Team navn: Creepy Crawlers Inc. Vårt prosjekt: Arachnatron Prosjektet vårt går ut på at vi skal skape en edderkopp-lignende robot. Målet er å utvikle en robot som skal kunne bevege seg autonomt. Siden gruppen vår ikke har en elektroingeniør, så er tankegangen vår å bruke off-the-shelf løsninger. Idéen er å bruke en Raspberry Pi […]

  • ToyzRgone – Week 1 & 2

    Who Are We? Welcome to our first blog post! Our group consists of six members, with two students from each engineering discipline. We are excited to collaborate on creating a self-driving robot capable of performing various complex tasks, such as autonomous navigation, object recognition, sorting, and more. We look forward to working together to bring […]

  • Group 1 – Smart Parking

    Project Overview:  The goal of this project is to design and implement a fully automated smart parking system that combines computer science and mechanical engineering disciplines. The system aims to provide a seamless experience for users by automatically parking and retrieving vehicles in a multi-floor parking facility.  System Overview: Customer Interaction: Automated Parking Process: Vehicle […]

  • Group 4 Introduction

    This week we had our introduction to the course “Development of smart systems” and the plans for this semester. Founding the group as an easy task, due to the success we had in Systems Engineering, we decided to reunite the team for one more run to victory. We quickly sat down to do some brainstorming […]

  • Group 1 – AutonoMouse – Week 12 & 13

    Github Andreas Week 12 This week has been spent trying to ensure we have a finished product within the delivery date. This entailed fixing and decluttering sensors that were half-hazardously soldered together a month and a half ago, soldering the rotary encoder circuitry,  and preparing to model the motors.   Since we wanted to switch […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Final Week

    Final videos As we approach the final week, most parts of the system are finished. Like the previous weeks, this week has focused on testing and benchmarking the system. We’ve done some safety tests with different backdrops and found foam packing insulator to be a good fit. The foam is light enough to allow some […]

  • Keeping Up With the MicroBros – Week 13 (Final)

    Doomsday is soon upon us… 🤯 Can we go the distance?😳 Will the MicroBros reach the sweet sweet center of that maze?🤤 Most importantly, is there time to add googly eyes?🤓 Final video NOTE: We use external power as currently, there are issues when the motor driver and Micro:Bit are not both connected to a […]