During this week we tested the robot with the simulation code in order to make it move and we figured out that the motor on the upper base wasn’t able to move all the robotic arm by itself. It was moving but only when we were increasing the voltage more than 5V and these motors are not made to resist more than that. So we arrived to the conclusion that we had to redesign the upper base and the first arm. So I took care of that and I redesigned myself both parts and send it to Richard to 3D print them. As the motor wasn’t powerful we thought of instead only one servomotor lifts all the arm, put two of them in the upper base. That is going to make much easier lift the whole arm because they will divide the force and is going to be more stable the whole lifting. Then the arm is going to be in the middle of the two motors, so we had to redesign it as well. Here are the photos of the final result, the redesign consisted of several things:
Upper base: I made like a ring on the bottom of the piece to increase the stability and subjection of the upper base.
Also I reduced the thickness of the part where the screws were going, to make it easier to screw it and with that we don’t need that much long screws. However I made a bigger hole for the servomotor to be able to fit the whole servomotor inside the hole and be easier to screw it. Finally I did the mirror of the piece that holds the servomotor to be able to have the two of them at the same position.
Arm: For the arm I modified one end, the one that goes in the middle of the two servomotors. First of all, I filled the part that was empty and then I made the same sketch but on the other side. Then I extruded the cut until 8mm for making it easier to screw it. Finally I mirror it to the other side creating before a plane to make the symmetry. This way at each side of the arm it can be connected a servomotor and will make it work.
Pamela : This week I have finished the final assembly with all the final parts. To do this I have modified some parts to be able to do the FEM analysis better. On the other hand I have changed the origins of the parts because the students in charge of the code needed to have them aligned when simulating.
Here is the final assembly in order to do the FEM analystist and after are the parts that I changed only for the joins because I skip the motors.