Category: Uncategorized

  • Connect 4 – Week 1 (22.08 – 28.08)

    In class we got an introduction into the Smart Systems course and got presented some of the projects that got created the last years. After that, we created created groups for our projects, our group consists of Fabian Wirth Jasper Voesten Johannes Fuchs Rick Verhoeven We started thinking about different projects that we may could […]

  • Pin To Win – Week 4

    Jürgen PCB Specs: During this week i started working on the schematic and PCB design for the sensor matrix. On our meeting on Wednesday we decided on a minimum and desired scanning frequency for the whole matrix / half matrix (one board). To achieve a minimum scan rate of 40 Hz on 88 Sensors, in […]

  • Robot Arm – Week 4

    Game environment Victor had the first prototype of the gametokens had been printed to see if the tolerances are good to fit the inlay in the token. The tolerance was chosen too small, so the dimensions were adjusted and the inlay was reprinted. The fitment was much better and a second version of the main […]

  • autonomous vehicle -week 2

    This is our second week of the project. after we had classified all of the required requirements. We took one step further and started disassembling some of the inner parts of the RC car. so that we can determine which parts are working well and which are not. then we started by disconnecting the jumper […]

  • Robot Arm – Week 3

    Software functionality, servos and game piece detection This week, Ole Christian focused on which functions the arm should have, Tic-Tac-Toe piece placement detection, what needs to be programmed and some more servo testing. I preformed the same servo test as I did in the last blog post, but this time I also added a power […]


    Ardunio ansvarlig Salem: Denne uke brukte jeg tiden til å lese mer på forrige gruppes dokumentasjon, og prøve du forstå mer om Arduino kode. Jeg fant heldigvis den “System Block Diagram” (se på figuren under) som hjelp meg litt at hva skal hvor, men det er mye mer som jeg må finne ut. Siden det […]

  • Pin To Win – Week 3

    Jürgen Solenoid Driver: As some required parts are missing to create the circuit for the solenoid driver, namely a N-Channel MOSFET, no futer process was made regarding this. The missing parts were ordered and this will be continued when they arrive. Furthermore the focus was shifted more towards the ball detection device, as this enables […]


    Denne uken brukte vi tiden til lese gjennom rapporten til forrige gruppen for å bli litt bedre kjent med systemet og hvilken teknologi har de brukt?. Etter vi har lest gjennom de tre føreste rapportene fant vi ut at de har brukt Rasberry-pi og en kameramodul for å lette objekt sporingen, noe som gjør at […]

  • Autonomous vehicle – week 1

    In this project, we will create an autonomous based on the Raspberry Pi that can be controlled in a variety of ways. As a result, it can detect items in front of it and avoid the obstruction. Group members Abdirahman Ali – DATA Andre Evant Tøfrum- DATA Jonas Sundsvalen- DATA components needed A1 ultrasonic servo-motor […]

  • Pin To Win – Week 2

    Electronics For the main control processor involved in the project, a microcontroller was picked, that is capable enough to process many processes simultaneous as well as do some floating point calculations if necessary. Here, over-sizing was preferred instead of meeting the requirements now known. You never know what the µC should be capable of later […]