Category: The Unbeatable Air Hockey Team

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 13

    Mechanical  This week we finally got a hold of two more 24V fans which serves our purpose of creating enough pressure under the board plate to make the disc “float” as we want it too. To see how this works in practice, watch the video below.   I have also used a lot of time finishing up all the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 12

    Integration  This week, similarly to the week before, the entire group has worked together to integrate the various subsystems into a single system. The electro students have made progress on the wiring of the system, having begun soldering connections to the various components, the mechanical student have been printing parts on-demand as the other disciplines need them […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 11

    Machine  This week we have been working with integration of every sub-system to the actual system. This means that a lot of the work has been done by all of us together across the different disciplines, as you can see from the picture below.  This has resulted in us needing to adjust all the components so […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 10

    Mechanical  This week has gone to further assemble the air hockey system, and we now have all the components except the timed band, which will arrive either this Friday or Monday. There has been a lot of complications with shipping, but we are fairly certain it will arrive at this time since we have had direct communications with the […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 9

    Mechanical This week we have mounted all the components for the stick system together so that everything is aligned properly. This has taken a while since small changes had to be done continuously for everything to fit perfectly. Still there are some parts that are not optimal, but these will change soon.  Since I [Markus] was […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 8

    Mechanical  This week has not yielded much progress, as the 3D-printers have been occupied a lot of the time and we need all the parts before we begin mounting them together. Therefore, rather than not doing anything, the parts we’ve had available have been mounted together and they have gone through a kind of test to see […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 7

    Mechanical  This week the mechanical group has made a lot of progress regarding the production of the different parts that needs to be 3D printed. We have made different versions of the same parts to see that they fit and made adjustments thereafter. There is not that much to write about this week since we’ve more or less been creating the same parts this […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 6

    Mechanical  This week we have finally got some of the parts that we ordered earlier, so now we can control all the measurements and make a more detailed model in solid works and make test parts and find all the parameters that make them fit with each other. The following parts have arrived this week:  […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 5

    Mechanical & Electrical  This week we have finally started creating the first parts of the board. We have found that the building part with wood will take a bit longer than anticipated since none of the group members have any carpenter experience.  We have also tested out different dimensions for the 3D-printed parts that are going to connect with […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 4

    Mechanical  This week has been characterized by a bit of waiting for the teachers to either accept or deny our budget. Luckily, as of 18.09.19 the budget was approved and we will start building the frame and stick system this coming week.   The budget was reworked a bit since last blog post, so here is the updated version:  The uncertainty factor was added since the […]