Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 9

    Mechanical This week we have mounted all the components for the stick system together so that everything is aligned properly. This has taken a while since small changes had to be done continuously for everything to fit perfectly. Still there are some parts that are not optimal, but these will change soon.  Since I [Markus] was […]

  • Shallow Blue week 43

    Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan and Ole Henrik Flesaker. Last week we created the bounding boxes. Without them the camera wouldn’t differentiate between the pixels of each chess piece. We tried to find the center of each array in order to know where to put the box. We are still working on finding the exact […]

  • Group 7 – Week 9

    Week 9 Mechanical  Jonas: After deciding to go for the laser as our “firing mechanism” i designed a simple cog-wheel system to control the upwards motion of the cannon, and the sideways rotation of the tower. Needing only 2 stepper motors, there is a lot more room than what we initially thought, and so we […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 9

    Date: 17.10.2019 – 24.10.2019 We had some issues with the Arduino board as well, especially with ROSSerial. It suddenly stopped working and it took a while to figure out what really happened. We realised that if we open the serial post device using GNU screen, it will set the correct settings for the Arduino, which […]

  • AutoDrink, week 42

    Since last time we have constructed, printed and built the frame of the drinking system. . . The trolley is also printed and mounted on the rod. Inside the trolley there are four wheels that will fit the slots in the rod and make sure that the trolley will remain in the right position while […]

  • Autodrink, week 43

    This week we have worked with much of the same as last week.  The new thing is that the motor which will control the pump is working, but we have to make a new 3D model of the pump before we can test the it. The trolley, which is mounted on the rod, was a […]

  • Group 1 -Project Fetch- Week 9 18.10 – 25.10

    This week we have continued working on understanding the rtabmap package we’re using, looking at the data it provides on its topics with rviz. Cameras have still not yet arrived (as was mentioned last week they were lost in shipping and had to be reordered) so tasks such as configuring the cameras and working on […]

  • Haptix Week 42

    Petter We’ve got a working solvable rubix cube. Right now the colliders causing the movement are located inside the cube, I’m planning on adding a better way of triggering the actions soon, but this will allow us to test the system. Daniel For this week I am working on connecting the Leap Motion device […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 8

    Mechanical  This week has not yielded much progress, as the 3D-printers have been occupied a lot of the time and we need all the parts before we begin mounting them together. Therefore, rather than not doing anything, the parts we’ve had available have been mounted together and they have gone through a kind of test to see […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 42

    This week we have continued on the code for the recognition for the pieces. We have been able to recognize a pawn. Also continued the work on making a chess game to be used with the interface for the system. We have also continued on printing and testing that the pieces for the railing system […]