Category: Uncategorized

  • Smart Mirror: CW 42

    Electrical/Mechanical: This is the first and well working draft of our arduino program to control the motors. /* Connect 5V on Arduino to VCC on Relay Module Connect GND on Arduino to GND on Relay Module Connect Power on Arduino to the Common Terminal (middle terminal) on Relay Module. */ //////////////////Relay/////////////////////////// const int relay = 5; […]

  • Smart Mirror: KW 41

    With some help we were now able to connect the two required motors to the arduino. The hardware works in the following manner: A pushbutton activates the system the relay switches so that the motors are connected to the powersupply the 360º servo starts rotating: it presses the toothpaste out and onto the toothbrush. the […]

  • Selvbalanserende Robot Uke 41

    Fremdrift Denne uken fikk vi printet ut platene til roboten vår, så vi kunne starte sammensetningen av roboten. Platene ble tegnet i Solidworks og så laserkuttet i trefinér. Ut ifra fysikken involvert, så ønsker vi mest tyngde i toppen av roboten. Dette skaper et større treghetsmoment, som minsker oscilleringene ved overshoot fra motorene. Tenk deg […]

  • Group 6 Laser print results and workforce delegating

    Hello world! its been a long time since last post. and lots have happened. We can start with mechanical. we have bought an rc car to use as a startingpoint. We’re not going to use the parts from the rc-car but we are planning to model parts off the car and create the parts ourselves. […]

  • Smart Mirror: KW 40

    first full drawing of the box including the required movements. Besides this small update there is not so much to talk about. Everybody is working on his current tasks.

  • Godteridispenser Uke 40 (Gruppe 2H17)

    Hei! Her kommer en oppdatering om gruppen vår og hva vi holder på med 🙂 Gruppen: Vi i gruppe to er en gjeng med seks ingeniørstudenter fra alle faglinjene. Fra maskin:  Andreas Andersen Fra Data:       Krystian Hoftun, Sandra Aakervik og Nina Heglund Fra Elektro:  Sølve Boldvik og Erik Godejord Konsepter: Gruppen startet arbeidet […]

  • Smart Mirror: KW 39

    Progress: Design:  Changes: The mirror will no longer be usable by touch. The touch overlays are just too expensive. We are currently considering which alternative is the best, if its buttons ore some kind of a mouse interface or something completely different. Mechanical: The first parts are finished. After 3D printing them they needed a […]

  • Group 6: update on lasercutting

    Today Alvin and arman continued doing some lasercutting. Here is the process of using the lasercutter. The machine we used is an Epilog Laser Fusion M2, with FlexiDESIGNER Software. Before doing any cutting, we start off in a CAD model, in this case Solidworks. Then we saved the file as an .dxf file and exported […]

  • Smart Mirror: Update on toothpaste dispenser

    Toothpaste dispenser The blog will be divided in 3 parts: Movement Parts Materials Movement The tooth paste dispenser is based on a crankshaft movement. The crankshaft movement is an easy, cheap and reliable movement and therefore a suitable solution.  There is chosen to make the movement with bushes and not with bearings. The movement to […]

  • Smart Mirror 2017

    Progress:  Mechanical / Arduino:  We got the servomotor to move as we want it. As soon as button is pushed, the motor starts moving in steps of on degree, after every degree it will check the connected load cell if a certain weight is reached. If so the motor sets back to zero. This mechanism […]