Group 6 week 37

Blog week 3

Group members: 

  • Steffen Barskrind (Computer) 
  • Kristian Meinich Backer-Owe (Computer) 
  • Nils Herman Lien Håre (Computer) 
  • Joel Soto Escoda (Electro)
  • Marius Kul Balsvik (Machine) 
  • Kristoffer Andersen (Machine)

What happened this week

This week we got to work on the gun itself that we’re going to use on our tank. We started of dismantling to the minimum to save on space on the tank. We struggled to get some of the parts off, but managed to get it to the minimum amount of parts that it could work with. We discovered that the main motor for the airsoft gun is housed in the grip of the gun. Therefore we decided to leave the grip on, since it provides pressure to the spring on the motor that it needed to 


Figure 1: Gearbox and piston with engine in the handgrip

We also got a better look at how we are going to solve how we are going to fire a shot, and also if we like to have different firing options like full-auto, semi-auto or single-shot.

After that we took some measurements of the gun and plotted it into solidworks to get an idea of how big we would need to make the chassis of the tank.

Above is a simplified version of the gun next to the tank, dimension should be accurate. We are planning to have the gun sideways or straight and feed bullets into the barrel with the magazine or another bullet-feeding mechanism. Below are some pictures of us measuring the gun.

We then took it to the “firing range”  to see how it shoots, and tested the different positions the gun could be in, I.E up and down, to the different sides. So we could get a better understanding on how it would function/if it would function in those positions. We found out that we needed to make a few modifications to the barrel itself, and sanded some of the edges out 

Her is a video from the testing: Test shooting and Test shooting2 with mag.

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