Category: Uncategorized

  • Week 4: – Product Development

    This week we improved upon the code we already wrote, and finished some of the CNC designs so that they where ready to produce. Setting up the physical button We started working on a way to interact with our system, we where thinking that a button is the first logical interaction we should work on. […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 3 (05.09 – 11.09)

    This week, Zoran showed us how we can lasercut things out. We than started to make a prototype of the gameboard, that means only two rows with all colums. And also cutting out 14 coins. Later, we have to paint or mark them in the player color and robot color. We glued the separator parts […]

  • Week 3: – Connecting all 3 motors

    This week we changed our name to Sort.It. Now that we had set up one of the motors correctly, we had to connect the wires on the two other motors and doubling up the code for the two other motors. Since we already done it once it was a piece of cake to do it […]

  • Week 2: Further investigations into our problem domain

    Now that we had figured out that we would have a sorting system. We had to dive deeper into the specifics. We had to investigate what kind of grabbing tool did we needed for our problem. What kind of grabbing tool could be versatile. There were few problems with our ideas about making it “easier” […]

  • Group 2 – Chess Mates

    Group 2 – Chess Mates

    Hello everyone. We are Chess Mates, and our project is to create a chess game where your opponent will be a chess playing robot arm. Since we have had som difficulty posting on this blog, we decided to give an update on week 1, 2 and 3 in this blog post. Week 1 and 2 […]

  • Week 1: Considering our options

    CNC.IT – Computer Numerical Control Innovative Technologies Starting phase Today’s work did put our creativity to the test. Since we had a group that consisted of all three engineering disciplines, we had to find a problem that could involve all of our group members. We had many ideas such as robotic arm, chessboard with AI, […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle week 2 (29.08 – 04.09)

    Hei bloggen! Today we have explored the parts we are going to use, functionality and application of the robotic arm. We try to limit ourselves so that we don’t gap over too much in the initial phase. The level of ambition is sky-high, but we get good advice from supervisor Zoran, which means that we […]

  • Auto21 – Post 1&2

    24.08.2022 The day started with me oversleeping and missing the train, so I was late, and everyone had found a group already. I managed to find a very helpful teacher, who introduced me to a group I was greeted by the new group. we were faced with a problem that was that the group was […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle week 1 (22.08 – 28.08)

    Hei bloggen! In our project for this semester, we chose to make an robotic arm that can grab onto an object and place it in a different location from where it was picked up from. This can be a box it will be put into or something similar. With this project there comes some requirements […]

  • Connect 4 – Week 2 (29.08 – 04.09)

    This week we started with some 3D modelling of the playboard itself and also the mechanism that will place the coins where the computer tells it to do. The board has 7 columns and 6 rows just like the original game. It also has 2 feet to stand on, these have been dimensioned so that […]