Autonomous Car – Week 1

The project involves a team consisting of four computer students:

  • Alinur Khalif Abdi
  • Siem Gebrehiwet Ghebre
  • Abdirahman Abdi
  • Abdiqani Abdullahi

This report provides a comprehensive overview of the planning for our project, which aims to develop autonomous vehicles capable of safe and efficient navigation within a drone zone without human assistance. The report discusses the project scope, activities accomplished up to now, and the goals we aim to achieve in the coming weeks.

Project Scope

The project encompasses several key areas:

Sensors and Data Collection:

  • The development of autonomous vehicles requires advanced sensors such as radar, lidar, and cameras to accurately perceive the surroundings.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning:

  • Implementation of sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to interpret sensor data, make decisions, and execute safe driving behavior.

Software Development:

  • Design and development of software that controls all aspects of the vehicle, from steering to braking and acceleration.

Accomplishments So Far

Up to this point, we have focused on assessing our requirements, determining our approach, and coordinating schedules to accommodate everyone’s availability.

Programming Language Selection

We have deliberated on programming languages and concluded that C++ would be the optimal choice for our project. This decision is based on the need for high performance and control in the real-time environment of autonomous vehicles.

Mapping of Necessary Resources

We have also discussed the essential resources required, such as sensors and processors. However, we will determine how to proceed with this after receiving the vehicle on Monday.

Goals for Next Week

During the upcoming week, we aim to make significant progress in the development of our autonomous vehicle project. The primary focus will be on assembling the necessary components, preparing resources, and potentially commencing coding.

Component Assembly:

  • We will complete the assembly of crucial components in the autonomous vehicle, including sensors (radar, lidar, cameras), data storage units, and processors. This will lay the foundation for sensor data collection and processing.

Resource Preparation:

  • We will identify and secure the necessary resources to support further development. This includes software tools, libraries, and hardware equipment required for real-time data analysis and software implementation.

Potential Code Commencement:

  • If conditions permit, we will initiate coding for initial modules. This might involve interfaces for sensor data collection, preliminary algorithms for data analysis, or fundamental control systems.


By making the right programming language choice, mapping essential resources, and setting clear objectives, we are on track to develop autonomous vehicles. With a clear vision and proactive approach, we are optimistic about achieving our goals.

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