Group 1 – Week 1

This week we have been introduced to Smart System Developement and how this course will be handled. As well as the course itself we have been introduced to the MicroMouse contest. The team has decided that this is the task we would like to handle. For this we have found a team that can handle such a challenge.

Our Team

As of our first meeting, we have assembled a team of the most amazing engineers, with a single goal: To design a MicroMouse that could compete in the MicroMouse contests, issued by IEEE. For this task, we have assembled a multidisciplinary team of engineers:

  • Vendel Kjeldsberg (Data)
  • Bendik Beachy (Data)
  • Marte Overgaard (Maskin)
  • Andreas Dalen (Elektro)

We have also had our first casualty:

  • Simone Hoem Frøyset (Data)


Our Progress so far

  1. Planning tools and software have been set up
    • Azure Devops – A tool for dividing work and planning tasks
    • Microsoft Teams – For planning meetings, sharing files and enabling remote meetings
    • Github – For sharing programming and documentation
  2. Made a priorities list
    • Made an initial priority list of features for the MicroMouse
  3. Researched the requirements and specifications of the MicroMouse contest
  4. Found a meeting time for the group
    • As for now we have decided to meet mondays from 9.15 until we feel done
  5. Technology research
    • The different diciplines have looked into previous solutions to common problems that will be faced when designing a micromouse

ABC – prioritization

  • Propulsion system
  • IR depth measurement
  • Motorcontrol
  • Fulfill IEEE requirements
  • Maze mapping
  • Variable speeds
  • Precise movements
  • Good grip
  • Cable management
  • Clean code
  • Easy operation
  • Refined design
  • Mechanical steering
  • Diagonal steering

Planning Ahead

For the next week we have been planning to set up our Devops and look into how we could solve the issues faced when attempting to solve the issues. As for now it’s just to get started!

The secret of getting ahead is getting started.

Mark Twain

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