Group 4 project week 1

Hello Dronesonen!

We started the week by assembling the group and decide on the project. We have decided to go for the Micromouse project. The group has six members. Two machine, one electro and three computer engineers.

We had our first meeting and established a communications channel. We discussed the project in terms of how we will execute and what we need. We also divided documentation tasks.

The second meeting we determent the roles of the group members. And agreed on the system requirements. When the meeting was done, we had our list of requirements. We also prioritized our requirements in terms of what needs to be done, what we would improve and what we can add if we have time. You can se our requirements below.

System requirements

A requirement (must be in place)

The mouse must be able to receive and store the data.

The mouse must be able to detect the finish line.

The mouse must be wireless.

The mouse must be able to move.

The mouse needs to able to break, turn and stop.

The mouse needs to be able to rotate on the spot.

The mouse must find the fastest route.

The battery must be easily accessible.

The mouse needs to be able to detect walls.

B requirements (improvements)

The mouse must be robust enough, so the components don’t get damaged.

Increasing the speed of the mouse by making the lighter.

The mouse needs to make a turn without completely stopping.

Add further components to increase its robustness.

The mouse should be able to.

C requirements (if we have time)

The mouse will do a celebration when it reaches its goal.

The esthetics of the mouse.

We are very excited about the project, and we look forward to continuing it in the coming weeks.

Best regards group 4

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