Category: Uncategorized

  • MicroBros – Week 3

    Møtes igjen bloggen! 🥰 Uke 3 har vært en uke med høyt frafall i gruppen på grunn av sykdom, men vi håper på at det verste er over og ser fremover! Derfor vil progresjonen i Uke 3 være noe lavere. Mats Først vil jeg si at jeg er syk denne uken og jobbet hjemmefra. Det […]

  • Group 1 – Week 3

    This week has been short-staffed for us, as two of our members have been sick for most of it. Despite this, we have made organisational progress and project progress. In the administrative department, we have switched software for tracking our progress, ensuring no redundant work is done, and all the goals we need to meet […]

  • Autonomous Car – Week 3

    Etter en grundig gjennomgang av prosjektet vårt, har vi tatt den strategiske beslutningen om å forbedre og utvide omfanget. Vårt hovedmål er å øke prosjektets effektivitet og tilpasning til våre målsetninger. Som et resultat omfatter prosjektet nå tre distinkte komponenter: Simuleringen, App og integrasjonen av Microbit. Dette nye omfanget gjør det mulig for oss å […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 3

    Introduction to This Week’s Update on Smart Systems We have implemented several functionalities to the system this week, and tested them. The next week will be fixing and debugging the issues and approve functionalities to be merged into master for the first release after passing the test! Software development is like hammering a nail. Either […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 3

    Welcome to our blog post for the third week of our Turret system project. Below, you will find the contributions made by each of our team members: Harald Berzinis Introduction: Building a turret that can automatically target balloons based on camera input can be a challenging problem. This week I have made a code for […]

  • Group 4 – Week 3

    Hi Dronesonen! 😊 This week we have been splitting up into our own disciplines and conducted the following efforts: Discipline – Software: Erik-Andre Hegna: I tried to get a grasp on how we could implement Djikstras algorithm into the micromouse as a way to store, understand and adapt information about the maze. This included sketches, […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 3

    This week there have been some changes. We are now four group members instead of five. These are the group members. Group weekly reports Ilir Bylykbashi Monday 04.09.2023 Tuesday 05.09.2023 Onsdag 06.09.2023 Challenges this week: Establishing a valid map and grid system in Unity for the simulation. Summary Ilir: During this period, I decided to […]


    Innledning:  Denne uken mottok vi den autonome bilen fra læreren etter forelesningen. Bilen har allerede alle sine sensorer forhåndsinstallert. Vårt hovedmål er å skape en autonom bil som kan navigere og løse sanntidsproblemer i forbindelse med ulike veiforhold. Teamet har arbeidet hardt for å oppnå nøkkelmilepæler for å sikre et vellykket prosjekt.  Viktige Prestasjoner:  Sensorintegrasjon:  […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 2

    “Individual sparks ignite the brightest flames in our collective fire of success.” – Someone Hello the blogz! 🖱️⚡❤️ Boy oh boy… What a week!🤯 Following our first project week, which was primarily marked by collective efforts, we have this week been working more on a disciplinary and individual level. This change is based on a […]

  • Group 1 – Week 2

    Vendel This week we have done more to get started on the project, doling out group roles and discussing what we are supposed to do towards the project individually and according to our specializations as computer, machine and electrical engineering students. I took the role as team leader for the project, though I don’t have […]