Category: Autonomous Surveillance Drone

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 14

    Date: 21.11.2019 – 03.12.2019 (final sprint) GitHub: The final week was a race to the finish in order to complete as much of the drone as we could before the deadline. We had multiple bottlenecks last week and we are happy to announce that we have overcome the obstacles and achieved a lot this […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 13

    Date: 14.11.2019 – 21.11.2019 The tale of this sprint is one mixed with both tragedy and victory. Tragedy because several components died, yet triumphant as several small goals were achieved. First of all, we got a hold of the PWM board we need to simulate the controller inputs on the flight controller. It involved a […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 12

    Date: 07.11.2019 – 14.11.2019 This week we found a hacky solution to our lack-of-API problem: there is a library for the Raspberry Pi out there which will simulate inputs to our flight controller. What this means is that we should be able to use that library in order to control our drone, salvaging the autonomous […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 11

    Date: 31.10.2019 – 07.11.2019 While waiting for the Raspberry Pi 4 to arrive, we started setting up a Raspberry Pi 3B+ board that we had laying around from before. We flashed it with an operating system and installed all dependencies for the system. We hit a snag when we found out that there was no […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 10

    Date: 24.10.2019 – 31.10.2019 Our seemingly constant barrage of technical issues continued this week, as attempts to install a driver for our USB WiFi adapter on the Jetson Nano failed. While there are drivers available for the particular chipset we had in hand, they didn’t work on the Jetson Nano. The particular driver we found […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 9

    Date: 17.10.2019 – 24.10.2019 We had some issues with the Arduino board as well, especially with ROSSerial. It suddenly stopped working and it took a while to figure out what really happened. We realised that if we open the serial post device using GNU screen, it will set the correct settings for the Arduino, which […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 8

    Date: 10.10.2019 – 17.10.2019 This week we have been working on multiple sub-systems in order to progress and achieve as much as possible. We made some mechanical changes to improve the drone design, and we have done a lot of testing to ensure that the components are working as expected. The economical budget has also […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 7

    Date: 03.10.2019 – 10.10.2019 We have continued working with hardware this week as well, since we started testing some components last week. We ended the last sprint with some questions and minor setbacks, which we have solved and overcome this week. Last week we encountered some power distribution problems, and after discussing and getting some […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 6

    Date: 26.09.2019 – 03.10.2019 We have mostly been working with hardware this week and we got ahold of some necessary components for the drone. We have been testing some of the parts to make sure that they work properly, as we have been playing around with the firmware to test all the capabilities it offers. […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 5

    Date: 19.09.2019 – 26.09.2019 We have done a lot of technical research this week to learn more about machine learning and specifically working with large datasets to achieve autonomy. We are working with the TensorFlow library and currently setting this up to cooperate as a ROS node. TensorFlow is a huge Python-friendly open source library […]