Category: TCD

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 4 (12.09 – 18.09)

    Hei bloggen! In this weeks group work we continued developing the robot arm and working more with the computer and electrical aspects. We splitted us into smaller groups and work on some different things. Kristoffer and Adrian worked on getting two bluetooth modules be able to communicate to each other so that we possibly could […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle Week 3 (05.09 – 11.09)

    Hei bloggen! We started our day by going through the Arduino kit which we got from the university in the first semester of the first year, trying to look for parts which we could use. Sure enough we found servo motors and also a Bluetooth module. We figured this Bluetooth module could prove to be […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle week 2 (29.08 – 04.09)

    Hei bloggen! Today we have explored the parts we are going to use, functionality and application of the robotic arm. We try to limit ourselves so that we don’t gap over too much in the initial phase. The level of ambition is sky-high, but we get good advice from supervisor Zoran, which means that we […]

  • TCD – Unmanned ground vehicle week 1 (22.08 – 28.08)

    Hei bloggen! In our project for this semester, we chose to make an robotic arm that can grab onto an object and place it in a different location from where it was picked up from. This can be a box it will be put into or something similar. With this project there comes some requirements […]