Category: Shallow Blue

  • Shallow Blue Week 38

    During this week we have been able to use point cloud with the help from Steven and gather a greater understanding of the software. We have also gotten further on the design and motion of the board. Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan: This week we worked with the pointcloud for the detection. We got help […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 37

    During this week the computer students continued working on the detection of the pieces and doing research on how to use OpenCV. The electrical students have been working on designing the system and started looking at the motor system the chessboard needs. Helge Sondre Ulberg: This week i worked on the pointcloud for the detection […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 36

    Last week we sent a draft of our requirements to the professors, after their feedback we made some adjustments and the result of our requirements can be seen underneath. Requirements: A: Be able to use electromagnets to move the pawns. Be able to use computer vision to detect that there are pieces on the board. […]

  • Shallow Blue (29.08.19)

    Description: Our group project is to create an autonomous chess board where a player can play against an AI. The project is targeted at people who have moderate experience in chess and can set up the board and interactive with the board. On the 29.08.2019 we discussed our requirements in the group and showed our […]