Shallow Blue (29.08.19)

Description: Our group project is to create an autonomous chess board where a player can play against an AI. The project is targeted at people who have moderate experience in chess and can set up the board and interactive with the board.

On the 29.08.2019 we discussed our requirements in the group and showed our draft to Steven. After further revision we had a document featuring more specific requirements and explanations we all agreed upon. These were sent to the three teachers for a final assessment. We also discussed preliminary work, for the first two weeks. This included splitting the group into two-and-two, working on different tasks. Some working/researching on Open Source chess engine, the same for Open Source CV and on initial designs for the chessboard and pieces. In addition to this we discussed the mechanism behind the autonomy for our board. We created two diffent initial sketches and a block diagram. Here we moved away from a mechanical arm which was the initial plan. Instead we figured it be operated by electromagnetism.

Different initial sketch
Block Diagram

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