Shallow Blue Week 38

During this week we have been able to use point cloud with the help from Steven and gather a greater understanding of the software. We have also gotten further on the design and motion of the board.

Printed pieces and materials needed for the axis system

Helge Sondre Ulberg, Oriana Presacan:

This week we worked with the pointcloud for the detection. We got help from steven to understand some of the codes and he helped us to filter out the board. We learned some of the mechanics and algorithms that we need to make further progress.

The point cloud so far

In the picture we can see some of the chess pieces and filtered out most of the table.

Ole Henrik Flesaker

This week i worked with opencv+unity. I have not made any actual progress but I have gotten a better understanding of the program. Further we have discovered that i will change paths, I will now help with the others with the pointcloud and make the piece recognition.


This week I focused in the electromagnet component, where I ran some tests with the tools available in the lab, using the available wires, changing the cores and the current in the system, but was unable to have the expected results, so I place a order for a Enameled copper wire roll so I can build a better electromagnet. I also discussed with Stian the design of the board, mainly about the size of it, so we can build the board (the top part) and use it for tests as soon as possible. I also helped in the movement communication protocol, between the brain of the program (PC or Raspberry) and the movement manager where we decided that the brain would send an array of positions to the movement manager so it could movement the pieces with that information.

Trying to make a DIY electromagnet

Stian Bergstrøm:

This week I have been continuing working on the motion of the system. Trying to figure out how to mount the motor to be able to connect to the rails. Are at a little stop since I need to figure out what the materials we are going to use in the rails. Have also been experimenting with modeling a ball bearing to be 3d printed. Want to know if it is a possible solution to use for the axis. I have also been improving with the code for the stepper motors after discussion what inputs we need with Osmar. 


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