Shallow Blue Week 36

Pieces made in Fusion 360.

Last week we sent a draft of our requirements to the professors, after their feedback we made some adjustments and the result of our requirements can be seen underneath.



  • Be able to use electromagnets to move the pawns.
  • Be able to use computer vision to detect that there are pieces on the board.
  • Create custom chess pieces and chess board. 
  • Implement an open source chess computer.


  • Be able to have the electromagnet move the different move sets.
  • Be able to differentiate between the pieces with computer vision.
  • Implement sounds to make the game more interactive.
  • Implement visual effects to the game to make it more interactive.
  • Create a user interface on a LCD screen on the board.
  • Implement one difficulty on the chess computer.


  • Be able to have a fully autonomous player vs AI game of chess.
  • Be able to detect the different pieces and track them during the game.
  • Have different difficulty settings to choose from of the chess computer.
  • Create a mobile application to have a live 2D screen of the game, move the pieces and have a game history.
  • Be able to implement speech recognition for moving the pieces.
  • Upgrade the interactive requirements from the B requirements.

Oriana: Researched different chess engines and found the most suitable for our project. Had a closer look at neutral network engine LC0 and compared it with Stockfish 10, deciding that Stockfish 10 would be the best choice for us.

Sondre: Downloaded and looked at chess engines and GUI`s and how to implement these with the board and pieces we will eventually make. Also tried to find other recognition tools.

Ole Henrik and Helge Sondre: Worked with OpenCV on unity getting familiar with the software/lib. Starting with facial recognition. This is done to later be able to recognise pieces and their location on the board. They also received a 3D-Camera from Steven to use with point cloud.

Stian: Doing research on how to make the pieces move autonomously on the board, what components to use in order to achieve this, also design chess pieces and board in Fusion 360.

Movements without collision.

Osmar: Designed in blender, making all pieces and the board itself. Also worked on making animations for the movement of the pieces. Making sure that all the movements like capturing pieces and castling, making sure there is no collision and the ratio of the pieces.

For the coming week as a group we will work on 3D-printing pieces and have at least one ready for the OpenCV work to continue progress. We also have to find out if we are able to implement the opensource GUI with the our board or if we have to make a UI from scratch.

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