Category: Smart Systems 2019

  • Group 7 – Week 1

    Group Members: Jens Paulsen (Data) Rahmat Mozafari (Data) Arpan Sharma (Data) Kirisan Manivannan (Data) Adithya Arun (Maskin) Jonas Lium (Maskin) As a group we agreed on choosing a project that we can have fun with. We began the first session by brainstorming for ideas.  Our initial ideas were as follows: A submarine that maps rocks […]

  • Group 4: ASD – Sprint 1

    Date: 22.08.2019 – 29.08.2019 Group structure:– Sirajuddin Asjad (project leader) – Software engineering– Håkon Jordet – Software engineering– Kristian Klev – Mechanical engineering– Andreas Bondal Sørensen – Mechanical engineering This week was our very first session as a group and we went through a few steps in order to plan the group structure and the […]

  • Shallow Blue Week 36

    Last week we sent a draft of our requirements to the professors, after their feedback we made some adjustments and the result of our requirements can be seen underneath. Requirements: A: Be able to use electromagnets to move the pawns. Be able to use computer vision to detect that there are pieces on the board. […]

  • Group 5, Project Report week 35

    We had several initial ideas, starting out with an autonomous following car, a gyro balanced serving tray, a smart home system consisting of locks and alarm system. And an autonomous drink mixer. After some discussion and consideration, we’ve decided upon the drink mixer, due to its unique and more achievable concept.  A Requirements Our system […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 2 (29.09.2019)

    We started week two with a meeting with all the group members where we got each other up to speed on what work we did individually since we last met. This consisted of mostly organizational work and simplified sketches and ideas of how we pictured the system to function.   In order to get a better idea of what sort […]

  • Shallow Blue (29.08.19)

    Description: Our group project is to create an autonomous chess board where a player can play against an AI. The project is targeted at people who have moderate experience in chess and can set up the board and interactive with the board. On the 29.08.2019 we discussed our requirements in the group and showed our […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 1 (22.08.2019)

    The first thing we did for the course was to form a multidisciplinary group, consisting of 6 members:  Markus Liavik Kanton – (mechanical) Alina Steshenko – (computer)  Kristian Alfheim – (computer)  Lenart Baraga – (electro)  Mark Aymerich – (electro)  Jon Azman – (electro)  We were instructed to brainstorm some ideas for what sort of project we would like to work on, and after some deliberation, we had 6 different ideas of various complexity:  Rubik’s Cube […]

  • Prosjekt Apport (29/08/19)

    Forrige uke, som var første uken med Smart Systems, lagde vi gruppen og kom opp med krav. På gruppen er vi én elektro og fem data studenter. A-kravene:*-Kan søke etter et spesifikt objekt som blir kastet*-Kan unngå andre objekter når den skal hente det spesifikke objektet-Kan finne tilbake til original posisjonen sin-Plukke opp objektet som […]