Tag: hydroplant

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Last Blog

    Enjoy the Hydroplant demo Documentation for all our code and links are now available here: Shahin Ostadahmadi Since it is last week, i would like to summerize what i have worked with during the semester. Development 1 GUI Responsible for an interface to control the system manually through a graphical user interface. You can control […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 12

    Welcome back! This week has been more testing of the system, fixing small bugs, calibrating different part of the system such as plant mover and plant information node. We have tested several part of the system. We are exited to make videoes and pictures of the whole system next week to show what we have […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 11

    Shahin Ostadahmadi This week, I have been testing different parts of the system with the group, fixing issues, implementing new changes, and repeatedly testing the system. I also implemented some additional code for nutrition regulation. Furthermore, I have set up the nutrition station and connected pipes according to the design I made last week (I […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 10

    Welcome back to this weeks blog! We had a demo for a local journalist on friday, and the picture bellow describes our sitiuation perfect. It was good to find out more issues with our system, this time was the network which we never have had problems with. The way we did the streaming may be […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 9

    Welcome back! more testing of the system, i bet we have tested some of the functionalities more than 100 times this week! We are able to test the system faster and faster and adding more fucntionalities from our requirements! See you next week! Shahin Ostadahmadi I have been travelling for work for the majority of […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 8

    Welcome back, this week has been more testing and debugging. We all have together assembled new floor. Here is some pictures and videos from last week: Waterflow Testing waterflow and water circulation while looking for bugs in Master controller, GUI, Nodes, and physical structure for water leakage. Plant mover Aditi testing her code for calibrating […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 7

    This week, we’ve been busy testing and fine-tuning our dynamic system. Our motivation is (maybe) at an all-time high as we’ve successfully tackled challenges and made significant strides. Highlights include GUI enhancements, a user-friendly testing node, and progress on the plant mover logic. We’ve even dealt with unexpected hiccups, like MQTT library quirks and mechanical […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 6

    Introduction to This Week’s Update on Smart Systems Welcome back! We have used quite some time this week to test the system together, debug, fix issues and test again. Looking forward in the following weeks to show more of our testing with videos! When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. When Git gives you conflicts, […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 5

    This week have been a lot of “git pull problems” and “git push problems”, but in the end we fixed it. So here is a quote which kept us going through the problem:

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 4

    Introduction to This Week’s Update on Smart Systems We have now started to test the whole system. This week has been filled with a lot of collaboration between all the members of the team to discuss how the whole system works and to make sure that we all understand the system architecture within all the […]