Category: Auto 21

  • Auto21 – Post 3

    This week we started to make a list for all the required parts and components for our project, as well as working on a technical drawing. We figured this was crucial to do early, making sure we get the parts that needs to be ordered in time. We also started to look for motors and […]

  • Auto21 – Post 4

    This week we set up the raspberry pi, installed the needed software and got the camera working. We started using the OpenCV library to modify the pictures by changing hue, saturation and brightness isolating the playing card numbers which we want to recognize. With this we should be able to compare these pictures with sample […]

  • Auto21 – Post 1&2

    24.08.2022 The day started with me oversleeping and missing the train, so I was late, and everyone had found a group already. I managed to find a very helpful teacher, who introduced me to a group I was greeted by the new group. we were faced with a problem that was that the group was […]