Category: Uncategorized

  • Haptix Week 42

    Petter We’ve got a working solvable rubix cube. Right now the colliders causing the movement are located inside the cube, I’m planning on adding a better way of triggering the actions soon, but this will allow us to test the system. Daniel For this week I am working on connecting the Leap Motion device […]

  • Week 43 Group 6

    Electro: Motors control Introduction The tank driving system is only composed for two belts and in each belt, we’ve got one motor. Combining the two motors parameters we have the control to go forward, backward and make turns in both sides.  As we commented previously, we’ll use 12 VDC/330 RPM motors. We can control the […]

  • Group 7 – Week 8

    Week 8 Mechanical Adithya:  Since we have finished the design for the suspension, our priority now is to make sure the 3D printed parts fit into each other and into the laser cut parts. After 2 rounds of printing and testing it was shown that without any clearance two parts which work together in Solidworks […]

  • Group 6 Week 42

    We have been working on our model in Solidworks, where we are trying to find smart ways to make our parts. Our main issue is producing aluminium parts since the tools at school are limited. Our solution is to make as many thin parts as possible as they weigh less and are easier to process.  […]

  • Haptix Week 41

    Had a meeting in the Cave at the University. The electro students had received their components, so we looked at these together. In addition, we went through the Leap Motion device and the HTC Vive.  Petter:  I’ve finished the rubix system which basically describes how each piece interacts with the pieces around it . I still need to adjust how the pieces interact with each other, as […]

  • Group 7 – Week 7

    Mechanical  Adithya Arun: This weeks focus was still on the suspension sub assembly. We have completed the design for the suspension, track, wheels and side panels which cover the sub system. This design allows for a modular system where the entire sub assembly can be detached from the main body for adjustments or repairs. This […]

  • Group 6 Week 41

    As previously mentioned we wanted to make the spur gear ourselves. We can do this by laser cutting either wood or plexiglass based off a model in Solidworks. Making sure two gears mesh (interact) correctly can however be tricky as there is a lot of new terminology to understand.  Below you can see the pinion […]

  • Autodrink, week 41

    This week we worked further with the construction of the machine. We 3d printed come test corners which we had improved from last week, and they seemed to be well functioning, so we ordered several corners for printing next week and will be finished before next group meeting. . We have also worked with the […]

  • Group 7 – Week 6

    Week 6 Mechanical  This week started with 3D printing and testing a component in the suspension. This was required as we have to make sure the springs we have fit the design. After testing, we see that we have to adjust some dimensions as the model was slightly too large for the springs. After readjusting […]

  • Haptix week 39 and 40

    We decided to post both week 39 and 40 because of the server issues in week 39. Daniel: Week 40: Last week I completed a scene that can be used as an environment for the interaction we will have to implement. This week I made a simple UI menu for the Unity Application: The […]