Category: Uncategorized

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 2

    Every problem is just an opportunity waiting to shine! We’ve had quite the week—filled with endless coffee, passionate debates, and the rhythmic tapping of keyboards. From drawing to drawing, component to component, and debugging session after session. And after all that, some things clicked, while others… well, they’re taking their sweet time.

  • Group 4 – Week 2

    Hi Dronesonen! 😊 This week marks the beginning of individual blog contributions, but before we delve into that, we will provide a quick recap of the group work we conducted on the following dates: Monday – 28.08.2023 (09:15 – 14:00): Tuesday – 29.08.2023 (09:00 – 14:30): Diagram 1: Diagram 2: Diagram 3: Individual contributions: Erik-Andre […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 2

    Group weekly reports Progress and Accomplishments: Ilir Bylykbashi Monday 28.08.2023 Tuesday 29.08.2023 Wednesday 30.08.2023 Challenges encountered this week: Summary Ilir: This week, we set up our development environment, addressed coding challenges with guidance, and laid the groundwork for our micro mouse project. Next week, we focus on IR-sensor programming, motor research, and system design. We’ve […]

  • MicroBros-Group2 (Week 2)

    MicroBros returnerer (Uke 2)

  • Group 1 – Week 1

    This week we have been introduced to Smart System Developement and how this course will be handled. As well as the course itself we have been introduced to the MicroMouse contest. The team has decided that this is the task we would like to handle. For this we have found a team that can handle […]

  • Group 4 project week 1

    Hello Dronesonen! We started the week by assembling the group and decide on the project. We have decided to go for the Micromouse project. The group has six members. Two machine, one electro and three computer engineers. We had our first meeting and established a communications channel. We discussed the project in terms of how […]

  • Autonomous Car – Week 1

    The project involves a team consisting of four computer students: This report provides a comprehensive overview of the planning for our project, which aims to develop autonomous vehicles capable of safe and efficient navigation within a drone zone without human assistance. The report discusses the project scope, activities accomplished up to now, and the goals […]

  • MicroMind Autonomous – Week 1

    Project introduction In the first lesson of this course, we were introduced to our exciting project—the Micro-Mouse. The Micro-Mouse project is a thrilling autonomous robotic competition. Our mission is to design and construct a compact robot capable of efficiently navigating through a maze in the shortest possible time. This endeavor involves integrating various sensors and […]

  • Turret Syndrome – Week 1

    “For every step in a direction, one must first create a universe.” Probably someone. Hei Bloggen! K9z f9z… After the preliminary introduction of this year´s Smart Systems course, and the introduction of the Micro Mouse project as a competitive engineering aspect, we sat down as a group to discuss what we wanted to achieve. Who […]

  • Hydroplant Subsystems – Week 1

    We are Hydroplant Subsystems, and we welcome you to our very first blog post. Our goal in this project is to develop several subsystems for Hydroplant, including both new subsystems and improvements/changes to existing ones.