Category: Smart Systems 2014 – Arduino Car 3000

  • Friday 28.11 – Then end is near

    There isn’t many days left to work on this project, so we try to finish up the work that is left. Today we worked on mounting the raspberry pi on to the car and try to get all the code done. We still need to get the car run at analog speed, if possible. So […]

  • Blog monday 15.09.2014

    This day we worked more on our car. Our main issue at this time is to get the Bluetooth working. After using three different Blueooth modules to get the interaction working with the computer, we had no positive result, until the end of this group “meeting”. We had used atleast 4-5 hour on trying to […]

  • 11/11/14

    Today wasn’t the most effective day. There is missing one Raspberry pi camera, and we have lent out our own. So we sat down and looked at how we could do it, whenever we were to get the camera back. There is some guides on how to connect the camera to the raspberry pi, so […]

  • Some problems..

    Today we worked on getting the Playstation 3 controller to work with the car. We have gotten the controller to connect to a buzzer on the car, but we can’t get the car to move by pressing the Playstation controller at the moment. There is also a problem in the code that we got. Whenever […]

  • Connection to the PS3 controller

    Today we actually got the new components that we were waiting for. We got the following components: *USB HOST shield *Bluetooth dongle USB The USB host shield we had to use to make an connection with the Bluetooth dongle and the Arduino. Because we wanted to connect the Playstation 3 controller to the Arduino through […]

  • Finally some progress!

    Tuesday 04.11.2014. We had some big progress today. After standing still for a long time because of waiting for components mostly. We have been able to do some small things while we have waited, some of those things were to clean up the code, and try to get a buzzer to work as a horn […]

  • My title

    This friday we had some parts missing so we weren’t able to do much of what we had planned to do. So we came up with new ideas that we might use such as a horn that we think of adding. After that we “cleaned up” the code by deleting unnecessary commands and checked if […]

  • 21.10.14

    For this session we had to change the burned arduino mega board. At the same time we changed the assembly to be able to add the camera’s servos. After, we tried to get the servos to work asise with the car’s control code. I also made a lifting of the code. A lot of things […]

  • 23.09.2014

    Tuesday.Today we made a few modifications to our code, we added some”drive” functions and made the car move. We had some problems connecting our BT-card to a PC. The card would just disconnect after a few seconds, so we had to pair it again and hope for the best. Most of the day went into […]

  • Blog 3.10

    Last time we found out that we wouldn’t be able to connect the Playstation 3 controller to the Arduino-Bluetooth module because apparently, the equipment we had, wasn’t sufficient. We ordered a USB Host and a Bluetooth dongle, so hopefully we can get the Playstation controller work, when these components come. But in the meantime, we […]