Finally some progress!

Tuesday 04.11.2014.

We had some big progress today. After standing still for a long time because of waiting for components mostly. We have been able to do some small things while we have waited, some of those things were to clean up the code, and try to get a buzzer to work as a horn in the car, the last part is still in progress. But this was the day we got our 2nd WiFi-dongle for the Raspberry Pie. Luckily it came after only one week.  We have troubleshooted with the last WiFi-dongle for a couple of weeks, but we realized we needed to buy a new one, because the old one was incompatible. The new WiFi-dongle gave us wireless network to the raspberry pie. So now we have to get the VNC Server up and going so we can use the Raspberry Pie with our laptop as a monitor.  The next thing now is also to get video from the PI camera onto the laptop, wireless.

Very excited that we got the wifi for the Raspberry Pie working!
Very excited that we got the wifi for the Raspberry Pie working!

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