Category: Uncategorized

  • Selvbalanserende Robot Uke 34

    Vi er en gruppe bestående av fem ingeniør studenter, med tre fra elektro og to fra data. Elektro: Tore André Einan Jan Christian Fossen Sharif Yusefi Data: Kim André Myre Bente H. Hestnes Idémyldring Vi startet med litt idémyldring i forhold til hva vi ville prøve å utvikle. Vi bestemte oss for å lage en […]

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17) Week 37.

    We have experimented with the image processing features in MATLAB for the purpose of isolating the information we need from the images we receive from the camera. Currently we have decided to use color thresholder and hughes transform to find lines in the pictures. Research of different programs, methods that can be used to use […]

  • Kaffemaksin Gtx TI

    Hei Vi er gruppe 4 bestående av 5 medlemmer spredt utover ingeniørstudiene på HSN. Fernando Almeida (maskiningeniør student) Susanne Larsen (dataingeniør student) Brynjar Thorri Jonsson ( dataingeniør student) Ole Halvor Ingolfsrud (elektroingeniør student) Tuan Anh Trinh (elektroingeniør student) Oppgaver. Vi skal lage en kaffemaskin med en tilhørende termos, hvor begge av produktene skal ha praktiske […]

  • Gruppe 10 – Brusdispenser

    Gruppe 10 På grunn av endring i fag var det tilfeldigvis to stykker som enda ikke hadde fått tak i gruppe. De to ble da gruppe 10. Vi er: Justin Joseph Endrerud (Maskin) Mohammad Mirlashari(Elektro)   Oppgaven I løpet av dette kurset skal vi klare å lage en prototype av et semi autonomt produkt av […]

  • Medisch wangedrag (Group 7H17)

    Hei! We are medisch wangedrag. We are a group of five students of computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering. In according to the course Smart Systems, we are making a medical device. This device can detect the blood veins and mark the right spot on the skin on the arm. This is useful to […]

  • Group 6 Update on lidars

    its been a while since last post and this is what we have done and what we are going to do.  Early in the process we aquired the xv11 360 lidar. witch is a laser sensor device. What this device does is that it spinns in a circle and sends out lasers to meassure distance […]

  • Smart Mirror: Software update 1:

    All work done on the software side is accessible on, where the master branch is a snapshot of the latest release, while the develop branch is up to date with the latest changes. Summarized, the software for our smart mirror will of the first release has the following functionalities: live news, an indicator of […]

  • Smart Systems 2017: Smart Mirror 18.09.2017

    Tasks for the week:  Bene Change the code for the load cell, so that the led doesn’t bright up until a certain level eg. 10 but then if it reaches a further interval of 5 the led shall bright up Andre: Find the Name of the material Youp: Check how the hinges on a laptop […]

  • Smart Systems 2017: Smart Mirror

    Smart Mirror Project Description:  Everything becomes smart, even the mirrors and we are planning to build such a „Smart Mirror“. A Smart Mirror is a mirror that is capable of more then just showing how good you look. Until a certain level it shows you pretty much everything you want. The first design idea: It […]

  • Smart Postkasse: Maskin dokument av produksjon.

    Produksjon av kasse Jeg valgte å gå for kasse i plate metal stål. Plate metal er rimelig og greit å jobbe med. Jeg var innom ideen ved å lage i glassfiber eller i karbonfiber, men forkastet dette da stål er veldig greit å tilpasse eventuelle endringer. I ide fasen tenkte jeg først å lage en […]