Category: Uncategorized

  • Group 6 Week 40 (Høstferie)

    This week we’ve been working on a function to tilt the gun. Our primary focus was elevating the barrel but we also tried to keep in mind how to easily expand on our design in order to allow the gun to rotate horizontally. After a session of brainstorming we concluded that a motor with a […]

  • Week 39

    Mechanical: Several of the parts in our design are based on cutting, bending and drilling sheets of metal. This post will focus on bending. When something is bent the inner side is compressed while the outer side undergoes tension. This changes the dimensions of the part and we have to account for this when planning […]

  • Group 7 – Week 5

    Week 5 Mechanical We started off this week by dividing the workload into two. One worked on remodelling the tank in a way which can be laser cut as we were not satisfied with our initial design. This model will be used as a base for making the composite version.The other worked with altering and […]

  • Late week 38 post Group 6

    We didn’t have the right URL, to get into dronesonenens website, so this post is a bit late. The parts we ordered have been delayed, therefore we spent this week testing different arduino objects that we might need. Servo We tested a servo engine connected to arduino to use for our trigger system.  Figure 1: […]

  • Group 02 – Project Report – Week 4

    Mechanical  This week has been characterized by a bit of waiting for the teachers to either accept or deny our budget. Luckily, as of 18.09.19 the budget was approved and we will start building the frame and stick system this coming week.   The budget was reworked a bit since last blog post, so here is the updated version:  The uncertainty factor was added since the […]

  • Group 7 – Week 4

    Computer   This week we are going to test the manual control system of the tank. The purpose of this test, is to understand the behavior of the tank and to make sure that the manual control system works along with the components. Since, this is a tank and not a car, we also need […]

  • Haptix – Week 38

    Virtual meeting through Microsoft Teams on Thursday at 10:40. The meeting lasted over an hour. Out from the meeting it was decided that the electro students should continue working on developing the glove, begin to finalize which components to use and design the necessary circuits. The computer students decided to continue working independently with their […]

  • Project Fetch (12.09-19.09) Week 4

    Hardware This week was mostly spent waiting for the raspberry pi to finish various tasks such as installing dependencies and building software. We were not able to do much progress on the programming because when the pi is working we cannot do anything else on it. And the building process usually takes hours. The long […]

  • Group 6 week 37

    Blog week 3 Group members:  Steffen Barskrind (Computer)  Kristian Meinich Backer-Owe (Computer)  Nils Herman Lien Håre (Computer)  Joel Soto Escoda (Electro) Marius Kul Balsvik (Machine)  Kristoffer Andersen (Machine) What happened this week This week we got to work on the gun itself that we’re going to use on our tank. We started of dismantling to […]

  • Group 7 – Week 3

    Mechanical Our main focus for this week was to conduct research on the caterpillar track and the components that follow: The three main components in the track are: The gears that transfer power from the motors to the belt The belt The suspension  Belt We found only pre-dimensioned belts online and this means we have […]