SmartSort Week 1 Report

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Cleaner Trash

Meet the Team

Abdillahi Farah Software Software team leader
Adrian SabanovicSoftwareEngineer
Tormod SmidesangSoftwareEngineer
Adam BremekMechanical EngineeringMechanical Engineering team leader.
Jakub CihlarMechanical EngineeringEngineer
Maria Pamela Fernandez  CardenasMechanical EngineeringEngineer
Sergi Cortacans CurósMechanical EngineeringEngineer

Initial Group Meeting and Project Planning

Monday: Our group held its first meeting where we focused on building rapport and getting to know each other better. Following this, we engaged in a brainstorming session to generate potential ideas for our project. Several ideas were discussed, and after careful consideration, we agreed that developing a Bottle Sorting Smart System would be both a fun and challenging project for us. for efficient collaboration, we assigned specific roles within the group and selected a communication platform to facilitate ongoing discussions. We also scheduled our next meeting for Thursday, where we finalized our project idea and began planning the next steps.


The Primary Objective in this project is to collaborate across disciplines, design and develop a sorting smart system that will interact with its environment to differentiate and sort between plastic and glass bottles. Our second objective is scaling the system to sort different types of trash. 

Primary Objective: Differentiation and Sorting of Bottles 

Goal Success Metrics Target 
Accuracy of Material Identification High Percentage of correct identification of plastic vs. glass bottles. 95% or higher accuracy. 
Accuracy of Size Classification Percentage of correct size classification of bottles (e.g. small, medium, large) 90% or higher accuracy 
Sorting Speed Average time taken to sort a single bottle Less than 5 seconds per bottle 
System Reliability System uptime (percentage of time the system is operational without failure) 98% uptime 
Error Rate Number of sorting errors per 10 bottles processed fewer than 2 errors per 10 bottles 


Must Have Requirements (A)Req-Definition  Importance Notes 
Color Differentiation Capability The system must be able to accurately differentiate between three different colors HIGH  
 Size Classification  The system must classify bottles into predefined size categories (e.g., small, medium, large). HIGH   
Automated Sorting Mechanism The system must automatically sort the bottles into separate bins based on material and size. HIGH  
User Interface for Monitoring and Control The system must include a user-friendly interface for operators to monitor the sorting process, adjust settings, and manage system functions. HIGH 
System Reliability and Uptime The system must maintain an uptime of at least 98%, ensuring consistent operation without frequent breakdowns. HIGH  
Safety Compliance The system must comply with relevant safety standards and regulations to ensure safe operation in an industrial or public environment HIGH 
Beneficial Requirements (B)Req-Definition  Importance Notes 
Multi-Material Sorting Capability The system should be capable of sorting additional materials beyond plastic and glass, such as metal cans or paper, if required Medium  
Real-Time Data Analytics The system should provide real-time data on sorting efficiency, error rates, and operational performance, with the ability to export reports Medium    
Modular Design The system should have a modular design to easily add or upgrade components, such as sensors or sorting mechanisms. Medium   
Material Differentiation Capability The system must be able to accurately differentiate between different materials (platic, glass, metal)Medium
Energy Efficiency The system should be designed to minimize energy consumption, with energy-saving modes or features. Medium  
Integration with Existing Systems The system should be capable of integrating with existing waste management systems or IoT platforms for enhanced functionality. Medium   
Conditional Requirements (C) Req-Definition  Importance Notes 
Scalability to Different Trash Types The system could be scaled to sort a wider variety of trash types beyond bottles, such as organic waste, textiles, or electronic waste. Low  
Machine Learning for Improved Accuracy  Implementing machine learning algorithms to improve material identification accuracy over time as the system processes more items. LOW   
Remote Monitoring and Control The ability to monitor and control the system remotely via a cloud-based platform or mobile application. LOW  
Automated Maintenance Alerts The system could have a feature to automatically notify operators of required maintenance or potential issues before they cause downtime. LOW 
Integration with Existing Systems The system should be capable of integrating with existing waste management systems or IoT platforms for enhanced functionality. LOW  
Customizable Sorting Parameters Allowing operators to customize sorting parameters based on specific needs, such as   adjusting size categories or adding new material types LOW  

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