Group 1 – Smart Parking

Project Overview: 

The goal of this project is to design and implement a fully automated smart parking system that combines computer science and mechanical engineering disciplines. The system aims to provide a seamless experience for users by automatically parking and retrieving vehicles in a multi-floor parking facility. 

System Overview:

Customer Interaction:

  • The customer drives their car onto a designated floor plate at the entrance of the parking facility.
  • The vehicle is then locked in place on the floor plate once the customer exits the vehicle.

Automated Parking Process:

  • After securing the vehicle, the smart parking system uses a combination of sensors and automated mechanisms to transport the car to an available parking spot within the facility.
  • The system is capable of moving cars between floors, allowing efficient use of vertical space.

Vehicle Retrieval:

  • When the customer returns, the smart system retrieves the vehicle from its parking spot and brings it to the exit point.
  • The customer can then drive their car out of the facility.

Error Handling and Monitoring:

  • The system is equipped with sensors and monitoring tools to detect any issues or malfunctions.
  • An alert system notifies maintenance personnel to address any problems that may arise.

Roles and Responsibilities:

Computer Science/Data Engineers:

  • Develop detailed architectural diagrams to map out the components of the smart parking system and their interactions.
  • Outline data flow, communication protocols, and system integration points.
  • Microcontroller Programming: Write software for microcontrollers to manage sensor data, control motors, and execute the logic for automated parking and retrieval.
  • Detection and Control Logic: Implement algorithms for detecting available parking spots, guiding vehicles to these spots, and managing traffic within the system.
  • Integrate various sensors (e.g., proximity, weight, and position sensors) to monitor the system’s status and detect vehicles.
  • Motor Control: Develop control algorithms to manage the movement of vehicles on the floor plates, elevators, and other mechanical components.
  • Conduct extensive testing to ensure software reliability and system responsiveness.
  • Optimize code and algorithms for performance, energy efficiency, and fault tolerance.
  • Design a user-friendly interface for customers to interact with the smart parking system, possibly through a mobile app or kiosk.
  • Implement a backend system for tracking vehicles, managing customer data, and facilitating payment processing.

Mechanical/Machine Engineers:

  • Parking Facility: Design the overall structure of the multi-floor parking building, ensuring it can support the weight and movement of vehicles.
  • Floor Plates: Engineer the floor plates to securely hold vehicles during transportation and parking.
  • Transport Mechanism: Develop the rail and track systems that move vehicles to and from parking spots. This includes horizontal and vertical transportation (elevators) between floors.
  • Locking Mechanisms: Design the beam and clamp systems to securely lock vehicles onto floor plates during movement.
  • -Actuators and Motors: Select and install the necessary motors and actuators to move vehicles and operate locking mechanisms.
  • Mechanical Sensors: Install sensors that provide feedback to the system about the position and status of vehicles and mechanical components.
  • Design mechanical fail-safes and redundancies to ensure the system is safe and reliable, even in the event of a power failure or mechanical fault.
  • Integrate emergency stop features and manual override options for maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Create the exterior design of the parking facility, including entry and exit points, signage, lighting, and other customer-facing elements.

Additional Considerations and Potential Gaps:

  • Both teams need to collaborate closely to ensure seamless integration between software and mechanical components. This includes agreeing on communication protocols, data formats, and timing for automated operations.
  • Ensure the design meets all relevant safety standards and regulations, including fire safety, structural integrity, and accessibility.
  • Develop a comprehensive safety plan that includes emergency procedures, regular maintenance, and routine safety checks.
  • Design the system to be scalable, allowing for future expansions or modifications without significant overhauls.
  • Consider potential upgrades, such as integrating with smart city infrastructure or accommodating electric vehicle charging stations.
  • Evaluate the environmental impact of the system, including energy consumption and materials used. Explore sustainable options, such as renewable energy sources or green building materials.
  • Develop a detailed budget that includes all software, hardware, construction, and maintenance costs.
  • Plan for contingencies and unexpected expenses to ensure the project stays within budget.
  • Before full-scale implementation, conduct extensive simulations and prototype testing to identify and address potential issues.
  • Develop a robust testing framework for both software and mechanical components to ensure reliability and safety.


This project requires a well-coordinated effort between computer science and mechanical engineering teams to ensure the successful development of a fully automated smart parking system. By clearly defining roles, responsibilities, and interdisciplinary collaboration points, both teams can work efficiently toward creating a system that is reliable, user-friendly, and scalable. 

By addressing the additional considerations and potential gaps outlined above, the team can enhance the project’s chances of success and deliver a smart parking solution that meets the needs of both customers and operators.

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