Group 4 Introduction

This week we had our introduction to the course “Development of smart systems” and the plans for this semester. Founding the group as an easy task, due to the success we had in Systems Engineering, we decided to reunite the team for one more run to victory. We quickly sat down to do some brainstorming to get a general idea of what we would like to create this year. After the brainstorming session we went home to reflect more on which of the ideas we would like to continue with.

Before I go on with the details, I would like to introduce you to our group. This fine establishment of a group consists of these magnificent, brilliant minds:

  • Eirik Kongsparten                                    Data                HR & Blog Captain
  • Robin Jørnby                                           Data                               CEO
  • Fredrik S. Knive                                        Data                              CDO
  • Hans Fredrik Kisfoss                             Maskin                           CSE
  • Abdulkader Mahrat                                Maskin                           CDO
  • Vetle Nilsen                                             Elektro                            CTO

Our first official meeting (26.08.2024) started with us coming to an agreement on what our project would be. The final poll landed on a system where a participant is to throw or shoot on a target that moves in two dimensions. The target will have a pressure plate to detect when it has been hit and displays the participants score on a screen.

First sketches:

Image was not possible to upload, might come back to add later

First week progress:

  1. Communication and information channels:
    1. Discord server for communication and planning purposes.
    1. Trello page for a planning and structural overview of our tasks.
  2. Created a meeting schedule:
    1. Every Monday from 10:00 to 15:00.
    2. Every Tuesday from 10:00 to 12:00.
    1. Additional meetings when necessary.
  3. Timetable:
    1. An Excel-sheet to plot in working hours for individual members of the group.
  4. ABC-requirements
    1. A list of mandatory, necessary and complimentary requirements for the final system.
  5. Individual tasks:
    1. Research related to the individual engineering branches like programming language, electronic equipment and building material etc.
    1. Preparing the blog posts.

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