Autonomous vehicle – week 1

In this project, we will create an autonomous based on the Raspberry Pi that can be controlled in a variety of ways. As a result, it can detect items in front of it and avoid the obstruction.

Group members

  • Abdirahman Ali – DATA
  • Andre Evant Tøfrum- DATA
  • Jonas Sundsvalen- DATA

components needed

  • A1
  1. ultrasonic
  • servo-motor
  • DC-motor
  • motor-controller
  • raspberry pi
  • IR-receiver
  • camera
  • battery
  • controller
  • lidar



  • jumper wires
  • resister
  • battery-holder
  • leds
  • jumper-wires


We will make the vehicle usable by allowing it to be controlled via Bluetooth and directing it using a controller.- observe the vehicle movements around via camera.-Check for obstructions in front of you and make a turn if necessary.





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