Pin To Win – Week 1


A Pinball table shall be created to resemble the retro-games. The functionality should be similar to the original tables with a angled surface. Besides playing the normal way as it is expected from such devices with buttons to activate the flippers, it should be able to ‘play itself’, using a detection system to locate the ball, electronic actors to actually play the ball as well as start the game with the starting mechanism.

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Base Requirements for this were set as following

  • electromechanical controlled flippers
  • electromechanical controlled starting mechanism
  • detection system of the ball near to the flippers
  • play field that houses all components and features a play area as well as ball guidance to and from the starter mechanism

Feature requirements

  • implementation of various objects within the play area, such as targets, bumpers, kickers, etc. to score points
  • playing the game itself based on the ball recognition in the area of the flippers
  • Interface with score, high score, etc.
  • look and feel of the game mechanics should be as close as possible to original

Optional requirements

  • the machine plays itself and is able to predict the ball movement at all time
  • implementation a gambling system, where the ‘player’ can predict how long the system will be able to play
  • nice look
  • fancy LEDs


For this week I started making a simulation of the pinball machine, using the game engine Unity. I set up a basic modular board, that can be expanded in the future. I then wrote some code to control the flippers, and the ball itself. After week 1 the simulation is playable but lacks some important things. Like the pull spring, and a way to detect when the ball is out of bounds.

For now, the board is blue, the flippers black, the edges white and the ball is silver.

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