Week 37-38

We are a group consisting of four members.

Computer science: Kjartan Vågan

Computer science: Stian Hatlestad

Electrical engineer: Jens Gaarden

Mechanical engineer: Mads Sørensen

For our project we got the amazing opportunity to experiment with the brand new Hololens 2. We wanted to find a way to combine all three disciplines with this new technology. After discussing different ideas we landed on making an interactive robot that would communicate and interact with the hololens. This robot would be controlled by the hololens, complete diffrent tasks and maybe even run some mini games.

For the first phase of this project we would need to do a lot of research and testing. The hololens is relative new technology and learning the different interfaces and software would be crucial in the development of our project.


As for the mechanical aspect of the robot, i opted for a bit of a challenge. Instead of wheels I wanted to try something new i have not done before, developing a continuous traction system using belts like a tank or digger. This will greatly increase the potential environment the Holobot can be used in, as we have yet to decide all the areas of use. This will also be a great learning experience for a new system, of which i am excited to take on the challenge.


The main focus for the electrical engineer is to determine types and needed performance of motors, actuators, sensors, power supply and model the circuitry.
Preliminary robot design has two tractor belts, which typically will mean two matched DC motors for propulsion, where turning the robot will be done by supplying higher voltage to one motor. We briefly discussed using one motor and a differential power transmission, but scrapped it because of the extra work load.
The robot is supposed to be able to pick up and carry small objects with robotic arms. For this we will need one step motor for the up/down motion of arms (common axle), and one servo per arm to make a pincer grip.


Week 37-38

Worked on connecting the HoloLens 2 together with Unity and Visual studio to be able to make apps and upload to the HoloLens 2.

With this brand-new technology there is not a lot of information out there, or very streamlined process of connecting and making your own app.

After a ton of GB with updates and fresh software, and a ton of settings hidden in new places compared to the information given by Microsoft we are finally ready to upload new software to run on the HoloLens.

The plan is to edit the software in unity and understand the capabilities of the HoloLens 2 and understand how to make it work to fit our project and use of the Holobot.

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