Intro-All purpose Cannon

Our group: Currently the group consists of 3 members
We are 2 Computer engineers and 1 Mechanical engineer, we are currently working from Krona, which is a build under the USN banner.

Our team consists of:

Daniel Gulbrandsen – Mechanical engineer

David Dokka – Computer engineer

Jafar Alami- Computer engineer

The Project:

The All purpose Cannon(work in progress name) is exactly what it sound like.
We are looking to make a cannon which can launch any type of projectile, as long as it fits in the barrel.
The reason behind the project is quite simple, to make something that we thing will be both fun and challenging for us as a group.
A cannon fits these two goals perfectly. A cannon in itself is not challenging to build.
But add on the ability to launch different types of projectiles, with a self adjusting aim system, possible target recognition, and force-distance measuring. Now you are talking.
This was our line of thought as well.
The cannon acts as a base for our creativity. here we can add a plethora of functionalities, as long as we have the means to do so.


While making a cannon seems fun there are certain things to have in mind.
Cannons usually are build to launch objects at high speeds, to hard people.
This is not one of our main goals.
Therefore, there are certain constrictions that have to be made on the power of the cannon. We first considered a Axial actuator, but realized soon that it would have the power to launch a bowling ball across the “dronesone”. We do not have to say more than that.

This would have been Dangerous

We also considered using a pressure vessel, as it is in widespread use in both air-soft and paintball sports. But we wanted something that would not need to be refilled/exchanged for the cannon to operate. More on that later

Further plans:
We plan to keep a more scheduled update in the coming weeks. And are looking forward to showing you how the cannon is being made!


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