Group 6 Update on lidars

its been a while since last post and this is what we have done and what we are going to do.  Early in the process we aquired the xv11 360 lidar. witch is a laser sensor device. What this device does is that it spinns in a circle and sends out lasers to meassure distance from nearest object. (picture below)

As you can see on the picture it has a little motor intigrated on the left. This means that we need to power both the lidar and the motor in order to get it to work. we plan to use this if we can get it to work. in case this dosent work we’re planning to experiment with the CJVL53 lidar witch is a simpler version of the lidar system. it functions similar but as shown below in a straight line instead of in a 360 degree angle

So continuing the project mechanical will look at designing parts for the car using lasercutting and modeling on the computer and computer and electrical will look at connecting the different electrical components

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