Smart Systems 2017: Smart Mirror

Smart Mirror

Project Description: 

Everything becomes smart, even the mirrors and we are planning to build such a „Smart Mirror“. A Smart Mirror is a mirror that is capable of more then just showing how good you look. Until a certain level it shows you pretty much everything you want.

The first design idea: It will be a wooden box with some handy drawers and as mirrors are usually used in the bathroom we thought of a little useful gimmick. Through pushing a button on the touchscreen a toothbrush already supplied with toothpaste will be handed to the user. Further „bathroom supplies“ can be stocked in the drawers.


Andre Håland (Norway): Computer Science

Erlend Helgerud (Norway): Computer Science

Jony Silva (Portugal): Electrical Engineering

Youp Dane (Netherlands): Mechanical Engineering

Benedikt Klatt (Germany): Industrial Engineering with specification in Mechanical Engineering

Specifications and tasks: 

Computer Science (Andre and Erlend)

How do we get our mirror smart?

We will use a tablet which is hidden behind a oneway see-through mirror. That gives us some advantages compared to a regular monitor:

  1. the tablet is very light and it has a convenient size so that week can make a lean design (touch is not required over the hole mirror so the size of the hole box is not limited by the size of the tablet)
  2. the tablet already provides touch
  3. the tablet has its own battery

Its planned to let the display show the

  • time
  • date
  • weather
  • news

and all that in a personalisable interface.

Electrical (Jony)

  • assure the power supply
  • draw the electric circuits
  • do all the necessary wiring

Mechanical (Youp and Bene)

  • dimensioning of the motors for movement of drawers and the toothbrush-system (Youp)
  • getting the load cell to work so that we can monitor the weight change through the toothpaste on the toothbrush (through arduino) (Bene)
  • designing the mechanism to apply toothpaste on the toothbrush
  • CAD drawings (Youp)


  • for tracking our progress we will use an excel based timeline (Bene)


Computer Science

  • Programming the app: see video 1


  • First draft of electric circuits ()


  • load cell is working (led lights up if a higher weight is applyed then „x“) (pictureres follow)


– first draft of timeline is created

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